Property News Malaysia @ was started in November 2013 and the founder Charles Tan has been writing here ever since. He believes Malaysians should invest (invest and not speculate or gamble) because that’s the only way to be financially prepared for retirement. Savings alone is no longer enough today and relying on just EPF is going to be late when one retires.

Meanwhile anyone without a property will face a negative future because rental does not stop even after our income has stopped. Imagine paying just RM1,500 every month forever… until we bid farewell to this world. Thus, Charles’ main focus would be Property News Malaysia. Plus all other investment related news so that we are updated in all and not be limited to just property investment.

He reads from many different media daily and will then write on financial / investment related issues so that all of us (yes, including himself) is updated and thus would be able to make a better decision when it comes to investing our hard earned money.

Feel free to browse some recent Property News Malaysia articles below. Sign up to have it delivered to you on a daily basis too. Happy reading and investing.

Feel free to send to us any interesting property news Malaysia too. We will be happy to write about it.

Sincerely, team

Latest Property News Malaysia:

property news malaysia

Property News Malaysia. Buy before price rises in 2022?

Property News Malaysia. Property prices are rising. Every now and then, there would be some articles quoting some property experts telling the world that it’s better to buy a property now because when the property market recovers, then the prices would rise and we would miss the opportunity to buy at the lowest possible price. There would be some predictions. For example, in 2020, when we started to recover from Covid-19, there was a prediction that property market Malaysia will rise in 2021. Then, Covid-19 returned with a vengeance.

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Eco World Reported Net Profit For Q3

Property price must not keep rising as if the sky’s the limit. 10% per year is considered high by the way.

Property price must not keep rising as if the sky’s the limit. Salary does not increase by double digits, except if one were to resign and got a better offer or if the one got a promotion in title and it comes with a bigger responsibility and bigger pay package. Else, it’s the usual few percent per year just so that everyone is not worse off versus the year before due to inflation.

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Eco World Reported Net Profit For Q3

Eco World reported net profit for Q3 is RM35.15 million. Positive or negative?

Eco World news. Property market vitality can only be seen from the results of property developers too. If they start to show losses, that would meant that sales are no longer growing and if their construction has to continue, this would lead to losses in the near term until they sold what they built. By the way there are developers who did not manage to sell all the units even after the project is completed yeah. This is where our overhang numbers come from.

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