Property market Malaysia to recover in 2022?

By the way, just another reminder. There are no links within this article to buy any property or sign up for any course yeah. This is I have been writing since 2013 and is not part of any developer or real estate agency or even mortgage brokers. This is why when people messaged me about a certain property to buy, my answer is either a short one (if I do not know you) or a long one but with lots of questions (if I know you).

Both answers have no recommendation on that particular property. Remember, one man’s meat may be another’s poison. Besides the same property purchased by two different people may have two totally different ending too. Please remember this in your property investment journey. Okay, now let’s listen to someone whom I love to have coffee with because of his vast knowledge and experience in the property market.

Let’s learn from Henry Butcher Real Estate Chief Operating Officer Tang Chee Meng on what he sees as signs of property market recovery

Article in The Henry Butcher Malaysia group is cautiously optimistic that the Malaysian property market will show firmer signs of recovery in 2022.

One main reason is because of achievement of over 79 percent vaccination rate and transitioning to the provision of booster vaccines which will boost overall confidence and economic activity

Tang Chee Meng, chief operating officer of Henry Butcher Real Estate said, “The political situation in the country will continue to be uncertain until the 15th General Election (GE15) is completed. In the meantime, investors will adopt a more cautious stance.”

Lower unemployment will boost confidence and residential market in 2022. Tang also shared a lot more details. Read it here: Article in

Recovery does not mean property prices will be rising indiscriminately

For anyone who thinks that property recovery means rising property prices, do think again. Property prices will rise when people have more money to spend and demand is increasing at a faster pace than supply of properties. It will also rise because demand for property in a certain area may exceed the supply and thus buyers would have to pay higher to move in.

Property prices of not so popular areas will then just follow these popular areas if there’s no oversupply. This is why property market recovery does not mean property prices will rise suddenly. Anyone hoping for quick profits should go for other type of investments instead.

If one is buying a home, then once due diligence is done and the home meets most of the expectations at an affordable price, then it is a go ahead. Waiting to buy just like me? Here’s an article for you. I am always waiting for the perfect property to buy Until then, happy viewing. Remember to wear mask and take care.

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