Category: Auctions and More
How low could the auction price falls to?
Someone showed me an auction property which is supposed to be a branded property and in a supposedly good location. How low could the auction price falls to? In fact the auction price has fallen to a level not seen before, especially if compared to the original price. It’s a small unit, less than 500…
3,714 sq ft (super huge) in Sunway Damansara and only RM946,000?
In case, you like to know where is this Sunway Damansara, google map image as below. There’s an auction unit from the Sunway Opal Damansara development. The price is also very attractive for the size. RM946,000 for 3,714 sq ft? To put this in context, typical build-up for a 20 x 70 double storey landed…
Auction Properties: What is the effect by COVID19 Pandemic?
Would auction properties be affected by the covid 19 pandemic
When the mind is not ready for property.
What was I worried about just 14 days ago? I could not remember, maybe it was the fact that my weight was increasing again and I was still eating heavy dinners. What do I worry now? My increasing weight is now secondary. The main thing on my mind is the number of new COVID-19 infections.…
Art pieces still very sought after. (Auction in Malaysia)
In case readers of do not know, I am a licensed auctioneer. So, I get to knock on the table and get paid. By the way, it’s illegal to conduct any public auction in Malaysia without a licensed auctioneer yeah. As a licensed auctioneer, I have conducted auctions for special car plate numbers, coins,…
Auction properties. Opportunities abound but lots of competition from primary and secondary market too.
My views were featured on the main page of The Malaysian Reserve last week. “Auctioning homes getting tougher in a tepid market.” Briefly, it tells of how people could find good opportunities in the auction market because the demand for auction properties have also weakened. However, at the same time, the competition for buyers from…
All About Numismatics Auction (AANA) 2018 is here.
[Sponsored] The banknote shown on the left will be up for auction on 1st December 2018 here in Malaysia. One similar piece (newer) was auctioned off at HK$950,000 (RM507,000) in a Spink Auction. (Click to view that item in This was the comment in the Spink site: “Extremely rare in any form and especially in…
Is Auction / Lelong really bad for the property?
Auction Effects – I was chatting with a good friend, Ms. L from JB today. She was telling me about the many auction of units at her development. It was just completed 1 year ago. She sounded negative because of these auctions which are happening on a monthly basis. The starting prices for these auction…
Straits Chinese Antique Auction (SCAA) Series 3/2018 (SCAA III)
Many people say antiques are an alternative investment. It’s also way too expensive for anyone to start. Some say better buy property lah. Some people even remarked, ‘got people know how to appreciate meh?’ Haha. Actually an awesome property can be enhanced by a good piece of antique. It’s also far easier to buy and…
Potentially, the better way to buy property; OPEN BIDDING by MNP Auctioneers
Message by MNP Auctioneers on upcoming Open Bidding on 27th April 2018 (Friday) Did you know that there are many good buys in property auctions? There are property auctions by the High Court and the land office. There are also property auctions from the local and foreign banks. These are usually properties which are being…
When units on my left and right are auctioned off…
Are there many units being auctioned off by the banks these days? With the slowdown in the market, many owners who overstretched themselves a few years ago due to Developer Interest Bearing Schemes (DIBS) may now feel the heat. What happens when we own a unit within a development which has just been completed a…