Latest Covid-19 Update.
29th May 2021, we hit 9,020 new Covid-19 cases per day. 9 days later after this peak, we are currently at 5,271 cases. In fact today is the first day where the number of recovered has exceeded the number of new cases. Briefly, active cases actually dropped 2,359 today. The number of cases seem to have stabilised but we can only know for sure if this trend continues for at least 2 weeks. Let’s hope the numbers continue it downtrend and the number of recovered patients continue to exceed the number of new cases. This sill continue to lessen the pressure on our hospitals.
The below is an image from

Total covid-19 vaccine doses coming in June / July is bigger than the total registered for Covid-19
We have a total of 16 million doses coming in June and July as announced by National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme’s coordinating Minister Khairy Jamaluddin (click to read) . As long there are no delays, this is above the total registration of people wanting to get jabbed which is only close to 13 million. In other words, we are now faced with a good problem. We need to vaccinate, vaccinate and vaccinate. Do whatever it takes to finish every dose which is arriving. We are expected to hit 150,000 vaccinations per day within June. It is then expected to reach 200,000 per day in July.
Total Vaccinations to-date? Please refer to the image as at 6th June 2021. Image source from JKJAV FB page.

Vaccination Speed is a key issue.
This is NOT fast enough. This meant that we could not finish the 16 million doses even by end the end of July. 150,000 x 30 days (June) = 4.5 million doses. 200,000 x 31 (July) = 6.2 million doses. This is only 10.7 million doses leaving another 5.3 million doses unutilised as at end of July. Perhaps we need to aim at 250,000 vaccinations soon so that every month we could hit 7.5 million vaccinations per month latest by August? Since we are going to receive more vaccines especially now that the U.S. has decided to share some of their extra stockpile of vaccine with the world. Good decision by US President Biden.
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Next suggested article: Why is vaccination so powerful? Message from the nation which has achieved herd immunity
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