Under threat now. That 1st potential catalyst to travel bubbles between SG – HK.

I was really looking forward to this travel bubble to start. The one between Singapore – Hong Kong which was supposed to start on 26th May 2021. The earlier article here showing my excitement of the potential. Travel Bubble starting 26th May 2021 That was before Singapore started to see rising COVID-19 cases in the last week or so. Situation is still under control and they have tightened the SOPs. There will be a lockdown-like condition (no more dine ins and fewer people allowed in shopping malls etc) from 16th May to 13th June. Here’s one latest article about what’s happening currently.

Article in themalaysianreserve.com The number of new cases in the community has increased to 71 in the past week from 48 in the week before, the health ministry said Thursday. Number of unlinked infections has risen to 15 in the past week from 7 in the week before.

Singapore Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung said at a Friday briefing that it’s very likely that Singapore “may not meet the criteria” for the arrangements to go through.

According to the terms of the agreement, the travel bubble will be closed for two weeks if the seven-day moving average of the daily number of unlinked local cases is more than five in either city. It’s currently just above 2 in Singapore and near zero in Hong Kong.

There’s a “high chance” the air travel bubble may not go ahead as scheduled, Hong Kong Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Edward Yau said on Friday.

Singapore was also scheduled to host the Shangri-La Dialogue early next month and the Davos-based World Economic Forum in August. Do read the full article here: Article in themalaysianreserve.com

Travel Bubble between Singapore – Hong Kong is very important catalyst

I am one the staunchest supporter for this travel bubble because if we are to look at situation to fully return to normal before any reopening of travelling, then we are not looking at months but years. Vaccinations across the world is unlikely to end anytime within 2021. Yet, the economy cannot continue to be negatively impacted by COVID-19.

Somehow, it has to find a way to restart. A travel bubble where the SOPs are strictly enforced would be one of the many ways to restart. We just need to have more of these examples so that other countries which has managed to minimise the COVID-19 impact to the minimum could also start thinking about this.

Travel Bubble is not just about the tourism industry

When airlines and hotels fail, they will have to retrench millions and millions of people. It does not stop there. These people would spend lesser and this will start to impact many other businesses. When this vicious cycle starts gaining strength, stopping it will become harder too. There are still 10 more days to the 26th May. My wish is for things to get better in a matter of days as the Singaporean government is doing what it could to curb the spread of infections.

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