Tokyo Olympics and Tokyo real estate potential

I have visited Japan 3 times. I enjoyed the trips very much and it remains one of those countries on top of my next to visit list as soon as travelling is allowed again. Many people whom I met are older than me. Well, Japan is also a super-aged nation which meant that over 20% of its population is 60 years old and older. The actual number as at end of 2020 is 25%. This meant that every 4 person you meet in Japan, one of them is 60 years old or older.

With this in mind, what about its real estate market? What are the potential advantages of properties in Japan? It has Tokyo Olympics as a catalyst.

Article in One analyst says that the Tokyo Olympics will provide a “show window” for Tokyo’s real estate. This is not affected by whether spectators are allowed or not. With the approaching Games, as well as the increasing pace of Japan’s Covid vaccination campaign, it is helping to fuel expectations for the country’s real estate investment trusts.

Daiwa Securities Co. analyst Eiji Kinouchi wrote in a note, “Should the Olympics and Paralympics move forward with the help of vaccines, it’s highly likely that money will flow into J-REITs globally — even if the games are held without spectators.”

The global TV audience for the Olympics is estimated to top 3 billion — dwarfing the 600,000 foreign visitors who had been expected to attend before the pandemic hit. That audience provides an opportunity for Tokyo’s booming real estate sector to display its wares to the world. Please read the full article here: Article in

Just need to differentiate between visiting and buying

Loving Tokyo and buying into Tokyo property are two very different things. If we love to visit Tokyo, we can visit it every year. if we buy into Tokyo, then we need to understand that the growth is unlikely to be like a developing country or a young country. However, we get maturity, we get stability and we get predictability. In other words, if we are okay with a continuous return versus that potential sudden rise in property with a growing population, then Tokyo may be a good choice.

Please engage a knowledgeable agency to assist your purchase yeah. I seriously do not think we have that many Malaysians who knows how to read Japanese documents when it comes to Sale and Purchase yeah. Happy watching Tokyo Olympics which is coming within the next 50 days.

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