Tag: covid 19 vaccination
Dine-in? Fake vaccination cert will be an issue. Solve this please.
Someone said to me the other day that if the government allows dine-in only for fully vaccinated people, surely many unvaccinated people will also ‘cheat’ their way into the restaurant too. I told him that humans will be human and this will happen anywhere, even in the most advanced nations. Anyway, he is one of…
My AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccination experience and what to expect during the process
22nd May 2021 (Saturday) at 1030am, I was ‘cucukbyAZ’ or in English, I got jabbed with AZ vaccine. It was my first dose. Why did I chose AZ despite all those ‘viral news?’ I repeat. The UK has the MOST number of people jabbed with AZ and they have reopened even their pubs last weekend.…
Everyone can travel interstate again, soon?
At the moment, we could not travel interstate without some important reasons. We need to get a stamp from the neighbourhood police station for this. Unfortunately there are so many rumours about people abusing this and travelling for some absurd reasons. F Now…there’s an expectation that the government will lift interstate travel ban very soon.…
Register for your COVID-19 vaccination with MySejahtera. Here are the steps.
Time to do our small part to protect all other Malaysians and our loved ones. Register for the COVID-19 vaccination. It’s now available. This is necessary yeah. Someone said, start from first screen. So, here’s the steps. Step 1 – Open your MySejahtera App. Click the “Close” button. Step 2 – It will ask you…