Right focus is essential. Use the right chart please for Covid-19.

Right focus is essential. Use the right chart please for Covid-19

Do you know what will happen once the SOPs are relaxed? Covid-19 total cases will rise. This is quite guaranteed and has happened in many countries all over the world. Whether it’s U.S, whether it’s the UK or many European nations. As soon as they relaxed the SOPs, Covid-19 cases rise. The difference?

The hospitalisation number does not increase like previously, when vaccination numbers were way lower than today. This is why there is really no need to show the number of new infections because even IF the number is stable, once SOP is relaxed numbers will still rise. Below image shows infectivity numbers which is no longer the right focus even if important.

Vaccines vs infectivity?

There are NO vaccines are which totally effective against infectivity when it comes to Delta. Look at all the countries, even those with lots of Pfizer… lots of AZ… whatever… the cases are rising. However, all vaccines are effective against hospitalisations. Means they reduce severity of all the infections. That’s what is more important.

Infectivity details by categories much more important

This below chart is much more important and all media must show this instead moving forward. Or are these media companies JUST WANT to show a higher number so that more people click to read, click to comment? Think about it and decide yeah. There are no advantages for the whole nation to feel negative.

SOPs MUST REMAIN, not total lockdowns because of infectivity numbers

Everyone MUST be forced to still wear masks. Every shop MUST still only allow those with masks to enter. Everyone MUST still scan MySejahtera before they enter. In fact I would like the carrot approach where fully vaccinated people gets more flexibility in travels and movements. This will encourage more people to get themselves vaccinated. SOPs must remain so that cases do not rise indiscriminately. It will rise yeah… Happy getting yourself vaccinated. My 2nd dose is 24th. yes, it’s my favourite vaccine, AstraZeneca.

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