Property ownership is about mentality, not salary. Unless of course the salary earned is really not enough and the banks refuse to lend the money to buy a home.
Anyone telling you buying is the best and only option is lying
We answer this first question first. Should everyone think about property ownership? To be honest, not everyone. Sometimes, it’s just not the best option to buy a place of our own and then struggle every day, every week and every month thinking of how to pay for it. Or getting one speeding ticket alone is enough to cause us to panic as we only have just enough every month for all expenses and that home mortgage. Perhaps just continue renting that room may be a better option instead.
It’s common to know of many friends who do not own a property yet
Some weeks ago, someone younger than me (many, many years younger) who already owns a few properties told me that at least half of his friends do not own a property yet. Yeah, he was talking about those around his age. Slightly below 35. I think it’s not that surprising because even at my age (In my 40s) I can safely estimate at least 20-30 percent of my friends without a property to their names yet. Now for the question again. Must all my friends own a property in order for them to continue to be a friend to the founder of Answer is a firm NO.
If you earn way higher than everyone, property is really just an option
Some of these very wealthy friends actually do NOT need a property. I meant a home they call home. Not some vacation property in some exotic places. They earn way too much income to worry about paying rental forever. So, renting may just be a much better strategy instead of being tied to one property, one place for a very long time. Besides, when they travel after they retire, they could just pay for the hotel / homestay instead. So, taking these friends aside, what about all other working professionals then? Should they buy a property? I think it’s not because of salary, it’s mostly mentality. does not have property listings yeah
Before everyone thinks that I am asking everyone to buy property, this is yeah. We do not sell any property and there’s also no need to mention our name even if any developer sponsored any post here yeah. We do not get any additional commission from them. The founder Charles is also not a member of any real estate agency and does not own a REN tag too. Today, we look at property ownership which is always a favourite topic.
Just too expensive, how?
Many people say, ‘I want to buy a property but the property is just too expensive!’ Never mind that within 1H 2020 alone, we have over 75,000 residential property transactions. Never mind that my ex-colleague who earns less than RM5,000 per month bought her 2nd property after listening to my sharing. Haha.

My younger friend’s friends’ reasons?
The reason that most of them (his friends and my friends) mentioned was that their salaries were still low while the property price already too high. Perhaps his friends did not know about choices beyond all the expensive areas which are already mature, already full of amenities and already full of people staying too. They may have also forgotten that if they included additional choices 10 minutes away from where they wanted to buy, perhaps they could find a cheaper property already.
Decision is ours to make, our future depends on what we do today
We determine the group we are going to be in. Whether it’s the always give excuse group or the let’s see what are the opportunities and buy one group. Property Ownership is a choice. This is Malaysia. There are countries where properties in the city centre? You can work until the day you die and you still could not afford them.
There’s also no such thing as who should follow who. As Jon Bon Jovi said, ‘It’s my life!” Just remember that if we did not know, we may not know how to choose. If we already know, then the choice becomes a responsibility. Happy living life to the fullest!
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