Demand so high? Private jet bookings full to the brim.

Demand so high? Private jet bookings full to the brim.

I have given up flying for the next 12 months. I do think I could drive between states within 2021 but flying, I think it will be tough. With the current situation, I think the only way people could travel is when it’s a real business need (to earn lots of money) or if these people could afford the price of renting a private jet. Well, demand for flights remain very strong.

Speaking of private jet rental business, it does seem that the pandemic has actually benefited them. This was the conclusion by one operator. “Summer is looking extremely busy for the fleet and we expect to operate at full capacity.” Read the article below to get the full idea of what is really happening in the world today with regards to the aviation industry.

Article in Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the commercial aviation industry has grounded of thousands of airplanes worldwide since March 2020. This does not apply to private jets. VistaJet founder and chairman Thomas Flohr said, “The pandemic has demonstrated the clear demand for business aviation as a safer and more reliable alternative to commercial flying.”

VistaJet is the world’s first and only global aviation business company founded by Flohr in 2004. He said that based on the Future of Business Travel report, the two top priorities for business travel include visiting partners and vendors, attending industry events as well as managing current business relationships and building new ones.

Flohr said, “VistaJet owns all of its aircraft and operates on a floating fleet. So, the aircraft go to wherever the demand is. Summer is looking extremely busy for the fleet and we expect to operate at full capacity.” Article in

This is why the economy is still having positive growth

Many times, we think every industry is facing headwinds. Truth is, with threats comes opportunities. When businesses are able to pivot, they are able to survive. With most of their competitions closing down, after the pandemic they will enjoy extraordinary profits for a while when demand returns and supply is unable to restart.

Another example? We see some industries retrenching people. However, when we look at industries related to online, we need to realise that jobs are aplenty and continue to grow very strongly too. The only issue? The lack of talents with relevant experience and skills. Thus, the ones who could adapt and quickly move into new roles, they will have a bright future. This is the world we live in today.

Happy understanding and oh yeah, there’s no need to try and fly via private jets since it seems that the bookings are already full to the brim.

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