First of all, I do not know anyone in The Woke Salaryman. Essentially, they made personal finance as easy as abc. I mean very easy to understand. I think we are missing a lot if we do not take a lot at what they have been sharing.
I missed out on so many interesting ways to tell about personal finance as I did not LIKE and read the posts from The Woke Salaryman. Below are some of the really candid views from them and it reflects the serious situation we are in if we continue to refuse to acknowledge many of these situations. As they say one picture tells a thousand words. Many of the messages are things I have written before but they told it in just a few pictures. Amazing stuff.

By the way, PASSIVE investment needs a lot of ACTIVE learning, experimenting and changing. No such thing as doing the same thing again and again. The world is moving way too fast for us to stand still at one place or stick 100% with just one investment even if it gave us great returns for the last few years.

The above image is awesome. Just remember yeah, these days the social media is also very accommodating to what we love to read. That’s why the bias we have is getting worse and not better. The ones who lost a lot of money in property investment seldom would want to tell the world. The ones who invested plus some luck and managed to earn a great return on investment would tell the world and the world loves all these stories. Do not simply jump in because some could swim well and some could not…

When it comes to a dream home, the dream home will keep changing. Let’s not kill all our investment potential with the salary we have because we have to put everything into a home which we stay in. Just remember, there’s little difference between staying in a fully paid RM700,000 home versus having RM700,000 under the bed. The home may keep appreciating in value but the RM700,000 is stuck there without giving more returns.
I will keep reading their interesting strips daily. If you like to read and learn as well, Click here to LIKE and get to read all the interesting, yet simple and ever so real advice with regards to money. Personal Finance as easy as ABC. Keep it up The Woke Salaryman. You have a new reader from Malaysia.
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Next suggested article: Fire up your personal finance journey. Just do not forget property
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