What do you think of the direction of the property market currently? What do you think will happen in the future? If you like to just spend 40 minutes listening to me talking about property, happy listening yeah. This was the Fireside Chat session with my good friend Ernest Towle. Yeap, it’s a frankly speaking session. 🙂
The video is here:
Let me know what other topics you think I should do, perhaps will do a video and post it later.
Property investment is long-term yeah. The direction of the property market as long as we bought a typical property is always good because of the value of money a.k.a inflation.
Please do not try any sudden get rich scheme unless you really understand that the price you enter is truly below the market and was not a marked up and later discounted price later on. If the development was overpriced and there were a few hundred buyers getting their keys at the same time, it will be messy and the property price will usually be trending downwards. By then the property expert who told you to buy is not responsible. It’s the market issue yeah.
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Next suggested article: Best time to buy a property? When yeah? 2025?
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