Do look at the few images below. During this MCO, my frequency of shopping online has increased from once a week to probably once per day. Somehow, there will be something that pops into my mind and I have to quickly get it via online. Groceries? Checked. Fresh fish from Kuala Selangor? Checked. Soup ingredients from Chinese medicine shops? Checked, yes all the way from Johor some more! Yes, even buying a baby car seat for my brother’s new baby and having it sent to his home directly.
Need to show you how much I shop online. GROCERIES via TESCO online.

FRESH FISH via MyFishman. (Contacts here)

Will this be permanent? Now that we are very clear that I have managed to get everything shipped to me via online, could I now tell you one important thing? Would I shop like this forever? The answer is a definite NO. My wife would still prefer to chit-chat with the aunty at the traditional medicine shop. I would love to just stroll along the supermarket aisle slowly and keep adding to my trolley and my kids runnings along and annoying me occasionally. Haha. I would definitely still be driving to Kuala Selangor on a monthly basis not just to buy the fresh fish but also to eat the freshly cooked seafood dishes too.
Would I shop online more often after the MCO? Well, if compared to before MCO, yes, I would shop online even more. In fact now that I discovered so many new things I could buy online, of course I would buy them if I am just too busy for example.
ADAPTING is the key. As for all these shops, what do you think has happened? Yes, they have adapted. Whether it’s that little traditional Chinese medicine shop in Johor who has now realised they could even sell to someone like me in Selangor or that fishermen in Kuala Selangor who now realised that if people could not go to them, they could still sell and deliver and this will mean even more people have access to their fish! MCO has not killed any business who could quickly adapt and well thriving from now on. What about you? What have you done to adapt and thrive right after the MCO is over? Even with normalisation slowly happening? Happy adapting and thriving.
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