Logically, we should be as fearful to COVID-19 versus the influenza which kills over 600,000 people every year. However, we are today too pre-occupied with COVID-19 and in fact has continued to think of many new norms which we believe will be around until COVID-19 vaccines are found and starts manufacturing. Let’s listen and learn from a leader in an international organisation who continues to learn and share with his global counterparts from around the world. If there is one person who is getting first-hand information from all around the world, this is the person. He is Sr. Michael Geh and he is the FIABCI President for Malaysian chapter.
In 1997/98, we had the ASEAN Financial Crisis. The name tells you where it started. In 2008, we had the U.S. Mortgage Crisis. The name also tells you where it actually started. In 2018 we did not have any crisis but somehow the property market transactions turned positive after years of decline from 2013 to 2017. In 2019, we have another year of positive property transaction growth and suddenly everything was brought down to earth in 2020. Let’s listen and learn from Miichael the CEO and Founder of GM Training Academy who has experienced all these different events first hand as he has been in the financial industry all his working life.
Moderating both of them (to extract as much learnings from them within an hour) is me, Charles Tan. I am the founder of kopiandproperty.my which is a leading independent property blog in Malaysia. I will be very GOOD to both of them. 😛
Details for the event as follows:
Date:28th May 2020 (Thursday)
Time: 9pm.
Get your questions ready. I will pick a few questions to ask them too.
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Next suggested article: RPGT and its push for the property market
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