Somehow, the message is just not clear enough for Macau scam. People get cheated again and again. Please be aware of this important fact. There’s no such thing as super lucky person if that person is us and we actually do not have some multi-billionaire relative who loves us and only us and no one else. If we are just an ordinary person, no one would want to make us rich but they themselves did not go ahead and take that opportunity first. Get it?
If I know how to get rich super fast, I would keep it to myself. Very soon, I will be super rich. Unless of course in order for me to get rich, someone has to become poorer. Sigh…

Article in Within January and October of 2020, the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) recorded 5,218 Macau Scam cases nationwide. The losses are estimated to be over RM256 million. Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department director, Datuk Zainuddin Yaacob, said from the total, 2,676 cases were solved by police and 1,420 cases charged in court.
He said, “The victims are mostly women, involving over 3,000 cases, and most of them are over 51-years-old. In general, the victims were placed under a lot of stress and afraid of being arrested and locked up, in addition to the fear of having their property seized.”
His advice, “Do not answer calls from unknown persons, and if you do answer and asked to transfer money to any government department account, do not do so as the government has never given any instructions to the public to transfer money from one account to another.” Article in
What is Macau Scam?
Besides the above, it could also be a call where we are told that we have won a certain extremely lucrative lucky draw. However, in order to claim the gift, we need to transfer some administrative fee to a certain bank account. Usually, the amount we are asked to transfer is very small compared to the prize we won. So, many do think they are lucky and that they should quickly get it before someone else takes it first.
How much is RM256 million?
RM256 million is enough to buy 256 homes of RM1 million each or 512 homes of RM500,000 each. Perhaps can buy the whole project since some landed projects are only a few hundred units each. Do we get cheated because we were not careful and knowledgeable enough or that the scammers are now many times more sophisticated than previously? Actually there’s no need to keep debating. What every media must keep doing is to keep alerting ever more Malaysians who would otherwise get cheated again and again.
Just be alert and do not be greedy
The banks will never ask for your password unless they are scammers. The police will never ask you to transfer any money unless they are scammers. A stranger will never want to suddenly make you super rich because he likes your face. The list goes on but suffice to say that it’s better not to be greedy as well. Macau scam can be any scam and the scammed can be anyone who let their guards down.
As for ladies, go and join Toastmasters if you really like to know good people. Even my brother-in-law found his wife in a Toastmasters club. Happily married with two daughters today. Not everyone in Toastmasters would be good for husband but it’s WAY BETTER than a stranger whom you met online and suddenly wanted to marry you but you need to pay some fees for him to come and meet you. Happy understanding.
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