My good friend told me about this latest platform which is growing by leaps and bounds a few days ago. I checked it out and found out that is a FREE platform for sellers. In other words, if you are thinking of starting a small business selling your secret recipe Loh Mai Kai, then you can register your business at (click here) and they will help you tell the world about it. If you are a shop struggling to gain more customers because of the current COVID-19 pandemic, this is also one way you can diversify your customer base too.
By the way, a simple search reveals that just cooked meals alone, you have 621 local delivery sellers. Beyond just cooked meals, you may also look for Bakery and Breads (68 choices is aplenty), Coffee and Drinks (Oh… latte, don’t miss the latte!), Desserts and Cakes (WOW), Fresh Fruits (stay healthy please), Fresh Seafood (help the fishermen yeah, these days, it’s getting harder for them), Fresh Vegetables and more… Click here and start searching.

Let me show you what I found in terms of some of my favourites yeah. Yummy. Mama Chee has lots of dumpling choices.

How can anyone resist some Nyonya food? I found this one from Masakan Nyonya Utara.

By the way, ordering is super easy if you are using your mobile phone. Just need to choose the food you like, Whatsapp your order or scan to order immediately. Delicious food would arrive at your doorstep or you may even drop by to pick it up if it’s nearby and you like to also take a look at the actual shop.

Go on, help these small businesses so that all of are going to survive this current COVID-19 pandemic. I know, you already know how to cook some of the food but I think we should also occasionally do something good for the society. Ordering food, drinks and groceries? Oh, this is super easy. If you happen to be a seller reading this right now, perhaps it’s time to start sharing your secret recipe with the world and make the recipe owner super proud okay? Plus earn some money to support your household income too. Here’s their Facebook page. Very lively and lots of happy announcements too.
On behalf of all these sellers, thank you. Yes, I will be sharing my experience and the food very soon too. Oh yeah, this is NOT a PAID article yeah. When you order your lunch for delivery, there’s also no box to fill up a referrer name. They will not know you ordered because you saw it here. Last but not least, just note that every time you order, the seller selling to you will be happily serving you because they are NOT charged any commission by
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