Kota Kinabalu, one of the best for MICE in Asia.

I travel to Sandakan at least twice a year. For Kota Kinabalu (KK), I think I can safely put the average as once per 1.5 year. I always see it as vibrant and growing with potential for even more growth. There are not many places in the world where you get the sun, sea, mountain and culture all in one place. Affordable too, when compared to other places with sun, sea, mountain and culture! Haha. Kota Kinabalu has just been voted as one of the best resort destinations by the readers of CEI Asia, a publication for tourism and travel news, conferences, event and incentives. The survey has been running for the past 15 years and this recent award meant that KK is seen in the same light as Phuket or Bali. I have been to both Phuket and Bali and I like both too. Nothing beats home, though. So, my vote still goes to KK.
top 5According to the CEI website, the two countries which has always been at the top has retained their positions. Hong Kong and Singapore are rated as the premier MICE destinations, competing for the top spot in numerous categories. I have also been to both Hong Kong and Singapoe and I love them both for different reasons when compared to KK, Phuket or even Bali. I think when we are looking at having more for less, these three spots would definitely be better when compared to Hong Kong or Singapore. More as in better hotels for less money, more culturally rich places to visit or even just lying under the sun on a real beach. More importantly, seafood in KK is much more fresher too and the chefs can definitely whip up a chilli crab dish easily.
As at end 2014, KK international airport remains the second busiest after KLIA. Yes, it is much more busier than even Penang international airport. In fact when we think about property investment potential, KK should be one of the few within consideration. With the reopening of KK mountain routes, I think it will be very busy again as the number of climbers are always increasing year after year. It’s time to drop by for a visit if you have never been to KK before. Enjoy a vacation there before thinking of property. I always think that we must love the place before buying and not simply buy because someone said so. It’s just a flight away bah.
written on 9 Dec 2015
Next suggested article: Supply should continue dropping, prices should start increasing


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