Jab and cash. Get jabbed and claim RM4,200 worth of cash. Amazing.

Jab and cash. Get jabbed and claim RM4,200 worth of cash. Amazing.

By the way, I disagree that the Covid-19 jab has to come to some cash offers or lucky draws or whatever. Just as those people who refused Covid-19 vaccination said they have their rights, I also have my rights. Their right is not to get jabbed because they have some beliefs. They are FREE not to be jabbed but please do not come near me.

I have a simple request for my right

My right? I have a simple one. I want to have the right to ONLY have dinner in restaurants where the staffs are vaccinated and all the customers are vaccinated. I want to shop in malls where all the mall workers are vaccinated and all the customers are vaccinated. I also only want to be exercising in gyms where the instructors and other gym members are vaccinated. My right is to feel safe.

Article in malaymail.com Covid-19: Schools in US state offer US$1,000 (RM4,200) bonus to vaccinated staff. The Henry county school district, southeast of the city of Atlanta, will make a US$1,000 payment to those of its nearly 6,000 employees who are fully vaccinated now or who will be vaccinated by September 30 with one dose of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine or both doses from Pfizer or Moderna. This money comes from a federal programme to curb the coronavirus in elementary and secondary schools. Article in malaymail.com

Protect us first and we can protect everyone else

So, you guessed it, I do not think giving money to these people who has not gotten their jabs to go and get their jab is fair to all those who did their part without much fuss. Let’s not forget that once this is done, the next time there’s ever such a need, everyone would now be waiting for the reward before deciding whether or not to go ahead.

The money better give to the front-liners and volunteers

Volunteers are not paid. They have to pay everything just to help the nation and we want to give money to those who did nothing? They deserve money for doing nothing? We give them money, they do something and we are supposed to feel relieved that they would now get a jab and these people who refused to be jabbed should feel happy because they get extra money to spend just by getting a jab? What a special world we live in today.

Remember my rights yeah. This message is specially to the ones who does not want to get vaccinated. I am not asking you to give up your right of refusing the Covid-19 jab. I just want you to remember that I also have my rights and the world does not just revolve around your rights not to be jabbed. It also revolves around my right to feel safe for myself and my family and all other Malaysians who’s now vaccinated. Thank you.

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Next suggested article: Vaccination and economy. Wow they are related


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