the KopiTalk series started on 6th June 2020. Sr Michael Geh was then the FIABCI President (Malaysian chapter). He is now the immediate Past FIACBI President after serving for 2 years. The KopiTalk #12 was on 8th August 2020. Our guest of honour for the #12 was Daniel Lee who gave us an insightful talk on personalities. Please do enjoy all the KopiTalk series. Feel free to click and watch them yeah.

the KopiTalk #1 with Sr. Michael Geh someone who tells you things as it is. This is why I like to learn from him everytime we meet. The most recent one? Supper in Penang! He is the FIABCI President (Malaysian chapter) and the topic was Malaysia’s Economic Recovery Plan (ERP). Let’s do a DEEPer Dive! View it here.
the KopiTalk #2 was with my good friend, the co-founder of East Malaysia’s top property listing site, Elson Kho. We share the same love for Sabah even if he’s a local and I am half a local. he loves food too and yet… his size and my size is a sigh… for me. Haha. Topic was “My Kota Kinabalu.” View it here.
the KopiTalk #3 is someone I have shared the speaking stage many times. He is so well known in Penang that I dare not go to Penang and not visit him. He is also a successful AirBnB operator too and his office is at his home. How nice. Miichael Yeoh spoke about “Why Refinance? Good, Bad and Ugly”. Click here to learn.
the KopiTalk #4 was with someone who used to stay so close to me. I meant the house, okay. Carmen Loo, DTM who’s currently the highest ranking officer; District Director in the Toastmasters organisation of District 51. She shared “Effective and Critical Non-Verbal Communication.” Click here to learn.

the KopiTalk #5 was with this Italian guy who’s more Malaysian than many Malaysian when it comes to defending what’s great about Malaysia. Dr. Daniele Gambero the Propenomist and also co-founder of the REI Group. He shared this, “Malaysian property the best value in ASEAN, really?” Click to listen and learn. Click here to view.
the KopiTalk #6 is someone who already owns something I hope to own some day, an orchard planted with durians! Down-to-earth very friendly and ever willing to share because he really want everyone to make decisions with good data! We have Premendran Pathmanathan, the Founder of who shared, “Making Better Decisions with Data.” View it here.
the KopiTalk #7 is this lady who is what we call a “cili-padi”. When it comes to the topic of protection (financial type), she speaks with passion and it’s coming straight from her heart. Elane Goh is the Founder and CEO of Vision One Hundred Consultancy. She prepared a lot of slides and shared this, “Making sure our wealth is always safe.” Click here to learn.
the KopiTalk #8 is another lady whom I hold very high regards for. We have spoken in the same event a few times and she actually does not need slides. She’s a very prominent leader too and always want to do more for the society. She is Agnes Wong, the Managing Partner for Syarikat Ong. She shared an interesting topic, “Expanding and in need of Fund Raising?”

the KopiTalk #9 was with this gentleman who’s extremely knowledgeable and yet very humble. He writes very eloquently at too. Please visit and read many of his articles yeah. He is Ikhram Merican and he shared about the significance of the 18-year Property Cycle and even gave many signs about the year which we are at currently. Watch it to find out yeah. Click here to view.
the KopiTalk #10 was the first time we look at health. These days, with the stress at work and the irregular hours which we eat, our gut may no longer be healthy. Our guest-of-honour is someone I have known for 15 years, from a young pharmacist to someone who owns a pharmacy and today, an established woman leader too. Ms. Gina Koay shared on “Healthy Gut, Healthy You.” Learn from her here.
the KopiTalk #11 was someone who’s YouTube videos I enjoy a lot. He’s explaining about property developments in an easy to understand manner and you could feel his sincerity in the videos too. I learnt from him that it’s super important to be a professional and he shared a lot of tips which hopefully will help me build my own YouTube channel too. Tan iHerng shared, ‘Becoming a YouTuber? Here’s the HOW to do it.” (view it here)
the KopiTalk #12 is someone who facilitated a leadership course for me many years ago. He speaks slowly and has so many things to share that I felt I must have him to share about something super important for all of us; personality. Our guest-of-honour is Daniel Lee and he spoke about “How do our personalities affect us? Time to take charge. Many useful tips and it includes even how to handle your boss! View it here.
Happy viewing a total of 12 hours of lots of learning and it’s FREE… for you.
If you like to know the latest KopiTalks, click here to view them too.
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