Glass bottomed bridge in China, don’t look down!

A new bridge is about to open in China. The Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge. It’s going to tell the world that China may be building the scariest pedestrian bridge in the world! It is a glass bottomed bridge and it covers 300 metres above the ground. Width of the bridge is 6 metres. So, yes, even the sides may look scary for some, including me. I could already imagine that I would not bring my family to visit this new bridge. I am not worried about them, I am worried about me. Haha. It takes a lot of self-convincing and one would have to do this for 380 metres from one end to the other.
glass bridgeSometimes, we wonder why people design such a bridge. According to the lead architect of Haim Dotan Ltd, the glass bottomed floor, side suspension cables is meant to be seamless with mature. It would also give visitors a sense of floating in mid-air. He said, “A white bridge disappearing into the clouds.” Zhangjiajie National Park is located in the northern part of Hunan province.
Once this becomes a hit in China, my guess is something similar may be built here in Malaysia? Perhaps even starting with Iskandar since it is currently the biggest base for Chinese developers from China. How about having a glass bottomed bridge connecting two different blocks of high-end condos? I think this may either be the main attraction or the main rejection reason since some may be too scared to cross to the other side using the bridge. Haha.
written on 23 May 2015
Next suggested article: US$, China, buying properties, what has it got to do with me?


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