Chit Chat session. Come say hi and ask some questions yeah.
This session should be property related, I believe. They did not send me any questions in advance. 🙂
Ryan said, ‘Come and join us for a chat.’ My answer is positive lah. I have spoken on the same stage as Ryan in JB in 2019 I think. That was before Covid-19 arrived. He’s someone who shares a lot of facts and figures, so I always love to sit down and listen to his talk. Well, he may share more numbers in this chit-chat session.
Ee Fan is meanwhile that person who’s always on the ground in the real estate world as he leads many RENs in serving potential customers. I have even spoken in Mandarin in one of the sessions he invited too. I am very sure he will have lots of stories to share too, especially these days when everyone kept saying that the property market must be doing very badly…
Do drop by yeah. It’s here: Once it goes live, I will also share to my FB page too.
Date: 23 November 2021
Time: 8pm

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