
Actual numbers. Denmark and Covid-19 restrictions

Actual numbers. Denmark and Covid-19 restrictions.

Covid-19 restrictions no more in Denmark

In case you did not know, Denmark’s cases are on an uptrend until end of January 2022. On 8th February 2022, it has lifted ALL restrictions related to Covid-19. No mask. No specific operating hours. No restrictions against Covid-19 at all. Zero. What has happened, really? Well, first one is that the government of Denmark has support from the people for this lifting of restrictions. Else, no government would dare to do so. As for all other reasons, let’s look at one article. Let’s look at just numbers.


Article in Analysis of recent Omicron BA.2 data from Denmark shows a fatality rate less than 0.05 per cent, which is below influenza

JP Morgan economist David Mackie said, “Our analysis of the Danish data suggests that the properties of the now dominant BA.2 sub-lineage of Omicron (high transmissibility but low virulence), high vaccination and booster rates and the use of anti-viral therapeutics have together pushed the case fatality rate (CFR) of COVID-19 to below the CFR of influenza.”

In Denmark, the CFR (death rate) from the dominant BA.2 strain is less than 0.05 per cent — or 1 in 2,000. Global death rate from influenza, which is estimated to kill between 0.05 and 0.1 per cent of those infected.

“A University of Copenhagen study calculated that up to 40 per cent of the deaths recorded in the latest week in Denmark were people who died with COVID-19 rather than people who died because of COVID-19.”

Clinical epidemiologist Professor Nancy Baxter says we should maintain non-restrictive anti-COVID measures such as mask wearing and better ventilation.(Supplied: University of Melbourne). Full article for reference here: Article in

What about Malaysia?

If we look from the beginning, our death rate is 32,056 / 2.94 million = 1.09%. Chart below. Worldwide, it’s 5.76 million / 402 million = 1.43%.


If we look at the most recent numbers, this is likely to drop even further. We can see that for a similar number of cases, the death rate is by far lower when Malaysia’s vaccinations were much lower last year. I personally do think that as long as booster vaccinations continue and SOPs are followed enough, we will see the current increase peak probably by end February and numbers should start to come down by then. Perhaps can go back to below 10,000 cases per day by end March. My wish yeah. I will do my part definitely.


Waiting for the next European country to announce lifting of restrictions maybe?

If Denmark is successful many would soon follow. We just need to see for the next 14 days to have an idea. We can also see that many countries no longer require masks in public places which I disagree yeah. I think it’s best to be on the safe side. 2022 is really starting to show a positive side where Covid-19 is concerned. This is a good sign and I wish you all the best Denmark.

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Header Image by Rolands Varsbergs from Pixabay 


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