Study hard, work hard, earn good money. Agree? Well, that depends on how you term ‘good’. Is a fixed salary of RM3,000 considered good? Depending on your age, maybe. However, if you intend to earn more than that? Well, if you are a fresh engineer, you can also take up part time job as security guard in your condo. That should give you another RM1,000 every month. In Singapore, the typical median income is around S$3,400. Not too bad but as soon as you intend to buy a property there plus a car for real convenience, you would realize it’s very little. While I am not a real estate negotiator but I have many friends who have done very well as an agent. In fact the good ones do much better than me financially by far.
Do you want to know what it’s like working as a Real Estate Negotiator with an agency? Let’s listen to what my friend Barry of Chester Properties Melaka has to say if you intend to become one.
1. Flexible working hours. You are your own boss. You choose when you work and your off day. Unfortunately this meant that if you decided to work just 1 day per week, I wish you all the best.
2. Unlimited income. You decide how much you want to earn based on your own goal. This is something you can never have with a fixed income job. Most importantly, can you imagine everyone stopping to buy property and sleep on the road instead?
3. Expand your networking, your business associates as you meet with various type of people. It is always who you know that will determine your success. This is true no matter what job or position you may be in.
4. Work life balance. No OTs. Not many wants to view houses at night. Do ask your friends who are accountants, ask them what time they reach home during the monthly closing or when annual reports are due.
5. No office politics. There is little need to care too much about what your other colleagues say about you. You work at your own pace and need.
6. There is no need to ‘brush shoe’ to get a promotion. You are who you are based on your credibilities and hard work.
7. No more ‘yes sir yes sir 3 bag full’. There is no need to always say great things about your superior. Even if he is useless, he does not determine your success. You do. Lolz…
Now if you are really serious in joining as a Real Estate Negotiator, find a good agency. Ask if they provide trainings. Ask if they have sharing sessions where the branch lead would assist new people. Ask around if that agency is really serious in what they do. Most importantly, if the agency tells you that they ONLY use traditional media, I think you better skip them. Or else, all the best to you. Of course if you happen to be in Melaka, join Chester Properties Sdn Bhd (Melaka branch). Just call and look for Barry. Contact info for Chester Properties Sdn Bhd (Melaka Branch) – 336A, Jalan Melaka Raya 1, Taman Melaka Raya, Melaka. Phones: 012-2316808 / 016-2388308
written by Barry, edited by Charles.
7 Reasons why Real Estate Negotiator may be your career of choice
Hi Barry/Charles,
My ? to you. Can a REN become a part time job for a 9-5 employee? regards, iqram
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