Sweet 18 is definitely a good ranking against the world

This morning I listened to a radio channel (chinese) and I switched to another channel when the lady radio deejay tried to sound professional about Malaysia’s latest ranking for World Bank’s “Ease of Doing Business Report 2016”. She said three things which shows that she is reading too much Facebook comments or reads nothing at all.
Comment 1: “18th in the world is actually not too bad but can be better.” (Malaysia is already no.1 among emerging economies and is better than many developed economies of the world)
Comment 2: At least this is something positive since the economy is doing so badly currently. (Malaysian economy is still growing and trade surplus is hugely positive. Only the ringgit is volatile but this is also due to that green currency which kept going up on every sign of a better condition which is crazy)
Comment 3: I think Malaysia has dropped one rung since last year was 17. (18th was the ranking of last year)
My dear lady deejay, you are a Malaysian. Considering the current economic situation which is STILL growing but not as great, the least you can do is to give confidence. Please, stop talking about economics or finance or business. Stick to your usual health, entertainment, food, whatever easy topics.
Oh yeah, Malaysia is ahead of the following countries too. Switzer­land (26th), France (27th), Nether­lands (28th), Japan (34th), United Arab Emirates (31st), Thai­land (49th), China (84th) and India (130th). Malaysia had improved from the 20th spot in the 2014 report to the 18th position in the 2015 report. World Bank country manager for Malaysia, Faris Hadad-Zervos commented that there were many improvements in the report which would benefit investors and local entrepreneurs. Further improvements are needed in reducing bureaucracy in terms of filing taxes and reducing processes by getting permits in the construction sector. Happy listening, well to songs if not the deejay.
written on 29 Oct 2015
Next suggested article: WEF: Malaysia is 18th out of 140 economies


  1. Frederick avatar

    I think you mean the year before last was 17.

    1. You are sharp Frederick. Thanks for pointing it out. Corrected the sentence.

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