Some of us feel that our salary is too low. Some feel that the company is not appreciating us enough and thus is underpaying us.

One picture tells a thousand words. Maybe more. Maybe it tells of how the income has been moving for many different generations? Perhaps it tells indirectly how some groups of people have been earning by far more money than a much bigger group of people? By the way, it’s not even billionaires these days. It’s multi-billlionaires and the richest man is now worth over US$200 billion. Before we go goo-goo gaa-gaa over these numbers, let’s get back on the ground and look at where most working people are, grounded these days.
By the way, the below image is for America yeah, not Malaysia. Please take a look at the “Decline of Upward Mobililiy in One Chart” from .

If you like to read the full article, it is here: Article in
Study Hard, Earn Higher Salary
I still remember when I was younger and my parents told me to study hard so that one day I could get a good salary (yes, they hope my salary will be higher than them). Actually, they were quite right. If you look at the image above, probably 55% of everyone born in the 1970s actually earn higher salaries than their parents if their parents salary were in the 50th percentile. That’s quite a good number but if we were born in the 1960s over 60% of everyone actually earns more money than their 50th percentile income parents.
Similar situation in Malaysia
I think, many would say that it’s not that big difference when it comes to Malaysia. Fresh graduates continue to complain that their salary is too low or have stayed stagnant but everything else has gotten more and more expensive. Then again, it’s also super important to note that perhaps the reason is also because these days degrees have become rather common and thus, the ability to command a higher pay is no longer that common.
What could we do then? Stay competitive
These days, a degree holder has become very common even if not as common as in Singapore or Hong Kong or the U.S. yet. However, majority of degree holders may not possess the ability to communicate effectively. I am serious yeah. Think of a doctor, an engineer an accountant or even a lawyer who has the qualification but NOT the ability to communicate confidently and eloquently? Would you like to see a specialist doctor who does not like to communicate about your condition? Do you think an engineer could become a Head of Department if he could not communicate properly? Do not stop at the base level yeah. A degree may just be a base level in the future.
It can even be a Master degree because majority of my peers do not yet have a Master degree. Does it help directly? Maybe, maybe not. Does it help indirectly? Yes, definitely. Think about it, when the chance for promotion to senior manager comes and both are equally qualified, do you think they choose the more handsome guy or the higher qualified one? One of these two people may be complaining in future that their salary is too low. As this senior manager may be representing the company, a Master degree in the profile is way better than just a degree or a diploma.
Salary really depends on you
During this COVID-19, we hear of people losing their jobs. Before COVID-19, the complaint for the longest time was that salary is too low. Ask around, we continue to hear of people resigning and joining another company with higher pay and a better position. We hear of fresh graduates struggling to survive with their paltry salary. Yet, at the same time, there are fresh graduates who were able to get a few promotions even before they reach 30 years old. This is the world we live in. No one owes us anything. When times continue changing, we have to continue running ahead of the change. Happy understanding and changing.
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Next suggested article: Actually do you need a salary of US$595 million yeah
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