What’s happening to Malaysia’s property market in the near future?

Hi kopiandproperty.my readers, I do not usually speak in property events. I prefer to read and then share by writing, actually. However, my good friend, Barry from Chester Properties invited me to share since last year and with a good venue provided, I agreed. Hope to see you in Malacca during my talk. We can enjoy a coffee chat as well. I have a few awesome readers from Malacca joining too. Hope to see you there. I will be presenting a talk entitled, “What’s happening to Malaysia’s property market in the near future?” Some of the topics covered include, “What are the signs of a potential property bubble?” / “Better to buy during a crisis? When is it happening?” / “Why is it harder to get loans approved? Are banks stopping their lending?” and more….. You can register by calling the numbers on the image or register online here. Besides the sharing and coffee chat, a free buffet lunch would also be served. All three are FREE. 🙂  However, this is limited to the first 50 who signs up.
The details of the talk as follows:
Date: 22nd April 2017 (Saturday)
Time: 1030am
Venue: Marina Point Sales Gallery (Waze: Marina Point Klebang)
It’s a national holiday on the 24th April. It’s time to drop by Melaka for a family vacation or even another local honeymoon. Yes, the never ending food trip too. I have never left Melaka without at least 1kg up. 🙂  See you there. Online register here. 
Next suggested article:   8 reasons why buying a property in Melaka is not for you


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