Working for a company and needing company

I cannot work alone. The reason is because I could not bring myself to. It would be so quiet and well who could I joke with occasionally?! Okay,occasionally I prefer to be alone but most of the time. I need company within my company. I support the flexibility of working from home but that is only if the person loves it plus the work is one that is repetitive for example. Anything else needing some interactions, the best is still through face to face conversations. Even for businesses, no amount of calls can beat a firm handshake and a friendly conversation followed by an “all the best and see you again” handshake.

Scoopoint @ Penang

Recently, I started to write about co-working spaces which I think will be a trend for a long time to go. In fact, it should be replacing most typical office spaces we have today, especially those sub 1,000 sq ft spaces first. I mean, if the company is still having fewer than 5 staffs, it is just not cost efficient to get our own place.  It’s not just about the rental. It’s also the environment. There’s no way that we will get a big enough place for a lobby with a receptionist, a lounge for a short break or even a ping pong table for us to thrash one another. It is not even feasible to paint and renovate the office to look cool plus switching on the air-conditioner the whole day without the fear of getting ‘killed’ at the end of the month when the TNB bill arrives and more….
Today, I read an article which reflects my thoughts. I just could not write as well as the writer at Harvard Business Review could. Here’s that article. The writer, Steve King tell us that co-working is not about workspace – It’s about feeling less lonely!’ Selected studies from the article as follows:

  • 79% said coworking has expanded their social networks
  • 82% of respondents reported that coworking has expanded their professional networks
  • 80% reported that they turn to other coworking members for help or guidance
  • 64% said their coworking networking was an important source of work and business referrals

These are also the other advantages mentioned:  In addition to reducing remote work loneliness, coworking spaces provide excellent business and technology infrastructure, strong networking opportunities, and exposure to innovative companies, products, and services. The article concluded by saying this, “creating community and reducing isolation and loneliness, coworking benefits both organizations and workers due to greater levels of work engagement, productivity, and worker happiness.” Here’s that relevant article from HBR again. 
I am not helming any small start-up and thus I do not need a co-working space. However, I do think if I have my own start-up, it’s definitely a co-working space for me and even after my company is well established, I think I will still frequent these co-working spaces for new ideas and connections. Oh yeah, I recently visited a thriving one in Penang called Scoopint too. Happy co-working.
written on 4 Jan 2018
Next suggested article:  Own office and work alone? Co-work and get more benefits


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