Wondering what’s the difference between a Gen-Z (born between 1997 – 2012), Millennials (born between 1981 – 1996), Gen -X (born between 1961 – 1981) and Baby Boomers (born between 1946 – 1964). Well, for one even when we are being quarantined at home for the COVID-19 pandemic, what we do online is very different! Haha. By the way, we could see very clearly that there’s one generation who does not look as much on the internet for COVID-19 updates versus other generations. Please refer image below.
To pass time, Gen-Z listens to music. Baby boomers… well… there are not that many internet activities which they do. Haha. Anyway, coming back to something which I think is becoming so common that everyday I could see it happening. Webinars / FB Live session. Well, millennials are the group watching this the most! In fact nearly double or triple that of other generations. So, marketers, please take note yeah if you are trying to get this group of buyers to buy. Image as below, please refer and understand.

Moving on, I am also very surprised that Podcasts ranked much higher than webinars! Fortunately for me, someone invited me to do a podcast the other day and this should be released this week. Yeah, it’s for my views with regards to the property market. However, done with a twist. I will share once it’s out okay. Do refer to the image for even more differences between the generations. Many more interesting things too. Happy referring and remember to celebrate the differences and not being too critical about the OTHER generations yeah.
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