USA: 99.2% of COVID-related deaths in June 2021 involved unvaccinated people. This means the vaccinated people accounted for just 0.8% of deaths.
In terms of new cases (image below) , we could see that with increasing vaccinations, there has also been a decrease in the number of new cases too. Recently, it has started to show an increase because of the Delta variant but the number remains low in comparison to the worst days.

In terms of deaths (image below), with the lower number of cases, the number of deaths have also been decreasing and if we compare both charts, we should also notice that while infections show an increasing trend, the total death continues to show a downtrend. This tells us also that vaccination DOES NOT stop infections totally but vaccinations really do reduce the need for hospitalisation and the number of deaths.
In fact we have Sydney, Australia which announced just days ago that none of the patients hospitalised for Covid-19 were people with full vaccinations. Read here: No fully vaccinated people have required hospital care

I seriously hope the title, charts and even Sydney’s recent learning is good enough to tell all the ones who still think vaccination is some kind of a scam?
In fact, the SOPs in the U.S. is already quite relaxed where for some places, there is no longer the need to wear a mask. This article just a few days ago. Click here to read in full. What has happened is that USA has already relaxed their rules (also known as SOPs) and decided that if you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. It adds that when one is travelling to some places where vaccinations are low, then one is encouraged to wear mask.
Erm… how do I know which place has low vaccinations and who was vaccinated. In fact, how would I even know the person speaking to me without a mask has actually gotten two doses of Covid-19?! Okay, maybe it’s different in developed countries. maybe with just one look, they know. So, if they are speaking to someone who’s not wearing a mask, it must be safe. Do read the article in full if you like to know more on their SOPs
By the way, the only reason why some countries could relax their rules is because of vaccinations. In the case of the U.S, the total vaccinated has already reached 50%. So, let’s hope that Malaysia would reach this number soonest possible. Thank you for registering and doing your small part as well.
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Next suggested article: Vaccination is key. Target of 300,000 per day in July
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