Top 10 FDI destination and US$1 billion GDP by 2030

Too many negative news? Let me share a little about the longer term potential for Malaysia? Of course, it has to be a continuation from today, else we are not going to make it. According to a study by US-based global information company IHS Inc, Malaysia is among Asia Pacific’s top 10 foreign direct investment (FDI) hotspots. The rest of the other 9? China, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. (Out of these countries, only Sri Lanka has a lower population compared to us. In my personal opinion, this is very important because it meant that these FDIs are looking at Malaysia as a supplier to the rest of the world.) 
IHS Chief Economist Asia Pacific Rajiv Biswas said that the Asia Pacific region would grow at an average annual rate of 4.5 percent because of rapid growth in consumer spending in China, India and Southeast Asia. (If Malaysia or even Singapore is still thinking of how NOT to co-operate soon, I wish both countries the best of luck) 
IHS also expects Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand to join the ranks of Asian nations with a Gross Domestic Product exceeding US$1 trillion by 2030. It said that Southeast Asia is expected to be one of the world’s fastest growing regions with these four ASEAN nations. IHM projected Malaysia’s per capita GDP of US$20,000 by 2025 and total GDP exceeding US$1 trillion by 2030. (Yes, I seriously do not think IHS received any money from any of these countries for reporting all these good news.)
Okay, enough of a positive dose. Continue the usual negative thoughts but just be reminded to hedge the potential of this happening in the form of investments. Whether it’s just a continuous purchase of unit trusts or just one or two properties, please do something. Many times, joining the ‘negative’ chorus may just yield us some unexpected good deals. Haha.
written on 28 Apr2016
Next suggested article: It’s always about competitiveness,or nothing left


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