Summary of Median House Price in Malaysia from 2010 – Q1 2021.
Sometimes, I am tired from answering people who asked if property investment is indeed a good investment. If I answer yes, then they ask if I am biased. Haha. If I answer no, then I am lying because I have indeed profited from property investments. Until today, I still get free coffee from friends who started their property investment because of my sharing too.
So, will not give any explanation today. Let’s just look at the actual median price for property in Malaysia and you decide if someone who bought a property in 2010 would be a happy person in Q1 2021. The next two images after this would be for all other states’ median property price. So, for those who invested based on typical median price in 2010, congratulations for making the right decision.


Median for some states are lower and some states are higher
While the median price for Malaysia is RM300,000 this is not the same for all states. In fact, Kuala Lumpur has a median price which is 66 percent higher at RM498,000. Do you own a property in Kuala Lumpur which is higher than this? It may mean your income is also higher than most Malaysians too.
Working in KL, staying in Selangor
Selangor property median price is 32 percent higher at RM395,000. If you are working in KL earning a higher salary than majority and you are staying within Selangor, then you may have th e best of both worlds; higher pay and lower property price. Of course, within Selangor, there are also areas where the prices are higher or lower and not the same within whole Selangor.
Working in KL and staying in Putrajaya?
The highest is WP Putrajaya where the median property price is RM650,000 and this is more than double that of average for all states. Based on working population, I think homes in Putrajaya would be bought by people working within Putrajaya or Cyberjaya. It’s not so common to have people working in KL and staying in Putrajaya… Just not convenient enough yet and driving would really be tiring too.
Enough for today. There was not a single line where I say property investment is the best investment yeah. 🙂 Take care and please only go out when necessary but there is no need to be paranoid about Covid-19 numbers too. It’s Delta. So, just need to manage it versus shutting down everything like when we were facing an earlier strain.
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