
Success comes when we skip over all excuses successfully

Success comes when we skip over all excuses successfully

This is a friend who has changed his life in the corporate world (management team) to become an entrepreneur in the real estate world. Recently, he posted the below image which is super true. I wonder if this will be his next car. I have always thought he is BMW supporter. Or perhaps Volvo?

He said, “Life is short, make the most of it so that you won’t regret it. The decision and action you make today will determine your journey in life; success will come your way if you are persistent and consistent in doing daily things in life.”

As for all the excuses. They do hurt a bit for people who’s currently doing it.

Tired? Sleep earlier! (why are you still browsing the FB?)

Overweight? Exercise more! (not just eating less for a few meals and then go crazy when we could not ‘tahan..’

No Time? Quit Watching TV! (haha… drama binging….?)

Don’t have money? Stop wasting it! (wow!! RM5 for breakfast versus RM35 for a breakfast set in a cafe?)

Too complicated? Start small and try! (dream big is true, just remember that it’s a journey..)

No knowledge and skill? Learn. (today… we have access to a lot more versus long time ago.)

Happy reading through the message. If you like to get to know him more, this is his FB page.

Not easy at all to keep doing…

Indeed a powerful message and truth is, so hard to do! In November 2013, I started writing in and nothing happened for the first 730 days until I was invited to give my first property talk. Then was invited to write an article for the newspaper and well the rest started to follow. 730 days equal to slightly over 1,000 articles BEFORE anything happened at all. No invitations to speak to 52 talks in 2019 over 9 states and Singapore too. From free talks to paid talks. From free reviews to paid reviews. From an unknown blogger to a judge for real estate awards. Today, has over 10,000 followers and over 20,000 visits per month on average.

All the best everyone. If it is to be, it is up to me. Thank you Martin for this reminder.

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Next suggested article: RENs in Malaysia. Exceptional or should be an Exception?

Header Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


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