No fully vaccinated people have required hospital care (thus far in Sydney)

Have you read about Sydney’s lockdown because of the infectious Delta variant? Australia is one of the countries which has managed to keep the Covid-19 cases under control and definitely one of the countries which has managed to take quick actions as and when necessary. For example, a closure of the borders to all international passengers. In recent days, there has been a surge of cases but the number is still below three digits.

This is the latest article about the situation in Sydney. Article in There are 47 cases in hospital, or about one in 10 people infected in the current outbreak. Of those, 19 people are under the age of 55 and 16 people are in intensive care, including a teenager.

No fully vaccinated people have required hospital care….

79% of those admitted have not had any doses, health authorities said.

Its vaccination rollout has been among the slowest due to supply constraints and changing medical advice for its mainstay AstraZeneca shots.

Please do read the full article with a lot more details: Article in

Key learnings

If you saw the highlighted and bold text above, now we know the super importance for everyone to be vaccinated. Despite the infectious Delta variant which is considered to be the most powerful and with highest infectivity rate, not even one of the FULLY vaccinated people have required hospital care. This is really an important sign.

Overwhelmingly, all the infected ones whom were admitted were all the ones without ANY covid-19 vaccination doses. This also tells us that if someone has had at least one dose, the chances of them needing hospital care is also reduced tremendously. However, without any dose at all, then once one get infected, the chance of hospitalisation is way higher than those with one dose of covid-19 vaccination.

Last but not least, Australia also suffers from an issue which has plague many developing nations; vaccine supply shortage. Plus the fact that they do not recommend the vaccination with AstraZeneca for those below 60 only. Latest news is the advice to all those vaccinated with at the first dose to quickly get their second dose within 6 weeks. This is that latest news in

I hope everything will be fine with the current lockdown implemented and I definitely would love to visit Sydney again after last visiting Sydney for 9 days just a year before Covid-19 arrived.

For Malaysians, hope that we have learnt three very important things from the current Sydney situation. Get vaccinated because that will reduce the chance of us getting infected and assuming we still get infected, with full vaccinations, it will reduce the need for hospital care even if it’s the Delta variant. At the same time, I do want to see the first time our vaccinations hit 400,000 per day too.

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Next suggested article: My AstraZeneca experience and what to expect in WTC, KL


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