Our Investment Resources: REITs, dividends, personal finance and bitcoins

A few weeks ago, I met three people who write better than me. Okay, to be honest, it’s not that hard to write better than me but please visit their sites to understand why I say so. For now, let me introduce you to the rose among thorns that evening. She is someone who loves bitcoin and has even been featured in the mass media for her expert opinions. The title of her latest article is, “8 rules to when you should splurge and when you should skimp.” She is able to keep track of all her expenses (something I fail to do even though I tried) and her personal finance motto is a simple ‘save aggressively, live frugally and minimally.’ She has been car-free since 2014.  She shares all her personal finance tips on a regular basis and has even articles teaching us how not to spend more than RM1,000 for a trip to Ho Chi Minh city. The best thing about her articles is that it’s very close to us. It’s like reading what a good friend is telling us over at mamak. Personal finance tips for free? Visit this site often. ringgitohringgit.com Keep up the great job Suraya.
Second one is by far younger than me. Sigh, I used to be as young as him MANY years ago; over 10. This is someone who’s very focused on earning enough dividends from stocks and he tells us his story thus far. He has written a comprehensive article on REITs in Malaysia. Learn what are REITS to How to invest in one. He shares how we can focus on just earning dividends as an income too. This is definitely a long-term kind of guy. Let share this very important information. He shares what shares he has bought and his aim is to inspire and help out fellow Malaysians to achieve Financial Independence. He is currently helping a few clients with their finances as well as investments. His passive income ONLY from dividends alone is RM11,429.55 per annum. Within 2013 to 2016, he grew his portfolio from RM10,000 to RM345,955.92 Better start following his blog here: dividendmagic.com.my Awesome sharing Leigh, thanks!
The third gentleman is actually already a very famous writer / blogger. I consider him as my writing idol because his articles have been published even in Huffington Post! Besides this famous site, he has also been featured in many other local sites too. For his career, he is currently working with young people to prepare them for what lies ahead. His latest article is a very relevant article for millennials. “How Should Young Graduates Manage Their Money.” He has also been featured in kopiandproperty.my’s Expert Series. He writes on a regular basis on categories ranging from relationships to time, career and money. Sorry, my writing skills could not do justice to how well he could actually write. Please read on here: mr-stingy.com  Thank you Aaron for showing how a good article should be written.
I personally recommend anyone who’s into personal finance to read from more sources. There are many awesome writers even within Malaysia by Malaysians. These are some of those who has been practising what they preach and results are there for all to see. From understanding where has the money gone to (awesome tracking) to earning ever more dividends (no joke) as well as lots of great personal finance tips (famous writer, ok), these are another three new resources that I would be reading too. Fortunately for me, all three of them are not writing much about property currently. Happy following them.
written on 2 April 2017
Next suggested article:  Some resources we have access to for our investments


  1. I have visited Mr Stingy’s site before, but not heard of the first two. Thank you for the introduction; will definitely check out their sites! 🙂

  2. […] Suggested article: Our investment resources: REITs, dividends, personal finance and bitcoins […]

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