We love rankings. Especially the ones showing that we are well ahead of everyone else. We are in a good country. We were also the 7th best place to retire. (we are all already here…) We lost only to Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama and Portugal. (Perhaps it’s also good to read a bit about a few of these countries yeah…) By the way, if we build up our wealth tremendously, we do not need to choose a country to retire in, we can continue to travel instead. See the world is a good dream to have.
Education is definitely important to most parents, including me. In the latest world university ranking, we now have 5 local universities within the top 200 (also known as top 1% in the world). Read here. By the way, based on Malaya University’s (UM) ranking, if it was a university in the UK, it would now be a top 10 university there. Image below:

Beyond just retirement, education, of course we cannot run away from healthcare yeah. Malaysia is ranked extremely highly in the world; I mean the top in the world Article in lite.my here. Some reasons include we have world class healthcare, our well trained medical professionals, cost of medicine is affordable and these services were all provided with friendly service included.
Now here’s one ranking I do not mind NOT being part of yeah. Cost of living in your city. The below are the top 10 cities for the cost of living as of March 2020. (latest numbers). I know some of us wanted to say but their currency is stronger… Well, the below were not calculated using ringgit yeah… By the way, the cost of housing and rental is similar in many countries. You may have to pay S$600 for a room. Here in Kuala Lumpur, depending on where you stay, it be around the same number. In Melbourne, it will probably be AUD200 / room / week. That’s AUD800 per month. Hope this clears.

Happy understanding that there are a lot more rankings where Malaysia fared badly or not that awesomely. Press Freedom Index, for example. We are not yet within top 100 and our neighbour Singapore is 158 out of 180 countries. Corruption Perception Index for example. We are slightly out of top 50. Many of these bad news already gone viral much earlier. I do not need to write on them yeah even though I know that if I keep writing bad news, then my clicks go up. Sigh… what to do. kopiandproperty.my is not a bad news provider. Happy reading.
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Next suggested article: 10+3 reasons to live in Ipoh
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