Property Port Dickson? Tough. Just not enough action.

Last year, my wife told me that she wanted to visit Port Dickson as she has never been there before. I said, sure, let’s go. Well, nothing happened because I have many other preferred choices like Langkawi, Melaka, Tanjung Sepat, Sekinchan, Genting Highlands and more and because the weekends are limited, I have brought my family to all these places since then. This time, we finally decided and booked a hotel and drove to Port Dickson. It’s not far, only 1 hour and 20 minutes away from my Damansara Damai home. On the way there we were chatting and I told her that Port Dickson is just 45 minutes away from KL. Thus it’s popular and perhaps some KLites may have properties there just to enjoy their weekends. Of course, this is just my theory.
wpid-img20141022094802.jpgWe arrived at our hotel, checked in and went out to drive around. The whole stretch of Jalan Pantai was full of hotels. From the smaller ones to the bigger ones and the special promotion ones to the luxurious ones. Perhaps because it’s not a weekend, there were not that many cars on the road and traffic was easy. We had dinner at Avillion Admiral Cove and came across this condo project called Marina Bay. Painted in white, it looked worn out and empty. I wanted to know if my observation was correct. A check online then showed that it’s 1,300 sf and prices are around RM300,000 – RM360,000. Sort of confirmed why it looks worn out and empty. Perhaps it’s just not popular enough amongst those going to Port Dickson (too many other choices) OR there’s just not enough tourists to Port Dickson. For high-rise developments, maintenance is critical. Thus maintenance fees are critical and as soon as many did not pay, the maintenance starts to go down, facilities start to break down and even more would then refuse to pay. Actually, everyone is just ‘killing’ everyone and this becomes a cycle of no return. I certainly hope this is not happening to Marina Bay. It may be empty because it was not a weekend.
wpid-img20141022131523.jpgNext day, we had breakfast at a famous breakfast place. P.D. Eating Point.  Overall, it’s ok, Nasi Lemak and the western sets. Nearby, there was a development called PD Water Front which I dropped by too. Strolled around for a while and noticed that all the restaurants facing the ‘water front’ are opened. From Papa Rich to Korean food to Japanese and even Waffles, basically you have it all here. Just not the crowd. Okay, perhaps it’s not a weekend. Checking online, its website is down. Sigh.  Well, that’s the end of my search and interest. I wish the developer the best.
wpid-img20141022125038.jpgThis trip was okay. Sun, sea, sand, food and lots of smiles from both my wife and baby. So it’s a good and relaxing trip. However, for property investment, I am sorry Port Dickson, I would favour Melaka anytime. In terms of current attractions, potential developments and investment reasons, Melaka would trump Port Dickson anytim if I am the one choosing. Sorry, I have no investment in both places yet though for Melaka I think it should not be too far in the future. We shall see. Everything is available in Port Dickson, just not up to what I wanted. The next trip might be long time to come. Who knows, maybe PD Waterfront may invite me for a latte and tell me why their website was down today.
written on 22 Oct 2014
Next suggested article: Reasons, Numbers and Potential from my latest Melaka visit


  1. Brannon Loo avatar
    Brannon Loo

    Hi Charles,
    I agree with you for. Most of the part that PD just isn’t a tourist favorite, be it weekdays or weekends.
    But I still want to share with you, this project called Good View Suites, in PD. In Teluk Kemang. Yes, along Jalan Pantai.
    Now, you may scoff at my idea of selling this idea to you, but read on. Avillion, Thistle and The Grand Alexis, this three hotels share something in common other than the fact that they are the upper end getaways and really, really expensive, they are not enough, they do not meet demand. Why? The answer is pretty simple. GLC, government linked companies.
    You see, these companies have a lot of events, trainings, conferences to conduct. When they do, they chose a venue that is ‘supreme’, branded to do so. These companies, actually contribute to a huge part of those hotels’ profit, those I named earlier.
    That is why, there will be a new hotel suites, The Good View suites, and it is already commencing construction, estimated to complete by year 2016.
    Once it is completed, it will be one of the more secluded 5 stars hotel in PD, offering luxury, but at the same time Low Density, with various amenities/facilities within the hotel itself.
    Now, you can own this, one of it. Your friends, your associates and your readers, too. For just RM 440,800, one can own a unit of this beautiful hotel suites, commercial title and FREEHOLD! Then rent it back to the hotel, and enjoy 7% minimum! guaranteed rental return every year! for the next 9 years. If you don’t like it, then sell it off after five years, that way you don’t have to pay the RPGT and still make a little money out of it. Fifty thou, a hundred, of course don’t expect to gain more than that in such short span of time.
    So, you can call me at 018-2753545 to talk about it, in detail.
    I’m Brannon.

    1. Brannon, thank you. Sounds good. I m sure some of my readers may call you. At this moment, my aim remains only for KL.

  2. My family would pay twice visit to PD in yearly. Good to know that there will be new hotel with 5 star coming up.

    1. Twice per year? Cool. Who knows, we may meet there for latte. Haha.

  3. IS the Good View Suite and Hotel is really good for investment ???

  4. I enjoy reading your articles and appreciate your active updates, tips and anecdotes in your blog. It is interesting that you were curious enough to walk over to Marina Bay for a look see. It may not be an ideal spot as an investment for most, but for retirees and rental prospects (tenants on MM2H program) I think it is worth a 2nd look. You will be surprised at the PSF of some units currently on offer.
    Interestingly, in your article ( it is possible to tick on most of the boxes.
    Oh, the property is currently being repainted and the lifts? Big Thumbs Up !

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