Buy this book: Property Investors’ True Stories

new bookI buy books and I read books every month. The experience of many years from someone who has been there, done that is extremely valuable and within a few days, I could learnt from the writer(s). There is no substitute for continuous learning. The people whom I would normally stay away would be property gurus who tell you they are experts. Whether they are good or bad, it should come from all the people who has learnt from them. One property guru who uses facts and research and maps in all his books and presentations would be Mr. Ho Chin Soon. I have learnt a lot from him and I feel humbled that he is so down to earth and willing to share.
Anyway, he has learnt to enjoy his life nowadays and has passed the baton to his son Ishmael Ho who is now the CEO of HoChinSoon Research. His new book which is due to be launched shortly have a compilation of property investors’ true stories. Within the book, there are over 100 real life lessons for everyone. It should be available in book stores soon. I have also shared my personal property adventure in the book. I am looking forward to learning from all the other writers too, some of whom are seasoned property gurus, some are owners of businesses and even authors. Happy buying one and reading!
written on 27 Nov 2015
Next suggested article: Slowdown? Prices per sq ft increased for ‘strong interest’


  1. Congratulations for your first featured in the book. I’m sure there will be more in the near future.

    1. Your support has been vital. Thk you from the bottom of my heart.

  2. I’ve got it from today. Nice ….

  3. Hi Mr Charles,
    Very informative blog and I like your writing style.
    About the mentioned book, can I buy it through Popular and MPH?

    1. Yes Chris. MPH has. No idea about popular. Thanks for reading. Take care

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