Property Investment quotes I love. 8 quotes from famous people.

Let’s talk about property investment… famous quotes today.

As someone who loves property investment, everyone would think I think of property investment as number 1 but I need to also say that I am also a serious unit trust investor too. 90% of my funds are presenting under the aggressive category. I am a Public Mutual Gold member since many years back and I intend to keep this status too.

I have lots of interest with the stock market and continues to receive dividend payments every quarter too. However, my investments are all boring yeah, most of the time, it’s buy and forget. Today, let’s talk about one point which I think property investment is number 1. This point would be all the quotes. There are so many so profoundly true quotes yeah. My comments at the end of all these really awesome quotes. Happy reading.

#1 – “The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate.” -Andrew Carnegie

#2 – “Buy land, they’re not making it anymore.” -Mark Twain

#3 – “The best investment on earth is earth.” -Louis Glickman

#4 – “Landlords grow rich in their sleep without working…” -John Stuart Mill

#5 – “Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt

#6 – “We don’t have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest.” -Warren Buffett

#7 – “The best time to buy a house is always five years ago” -Ray Brown

#8 – “Don’t wait to buy real estate, Buy real estate and wait” – T. Harv Eker

My personal quote after 18 years of property investment journey?

“Everyone needs a roof over their head whether they rent or buy” – Charles Tan

This is why every time someone tells me that it’s better to rent and not buy, I would remind them that if they need to rent, they still need a home which they could rent. Someone has to have a place for these people to rent from.

If they remind me that the difference in rental versus monthly mortgage could be hundreds of ringgit, then I will remind them that as expensive as buying a home could be, it is ONLY for the period of the loan. Rental is meanwhile a never-ending journey this generation and next and next…

Please do share with me your favourite property investment quotes yeah. I would love to include it into future articles too. Thank you and take care.

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