Press Release: Malaysian Institute Of Estate Agents (MIEA) Launches Its 13th Annual National Real Estate Awards (NREA) 2021
The Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) will launch the National Real Estate Awards (NREA) 2021 via live streaming on 16th April 2021, Friday at 3pm.

The National Real Estate Awards recognizes the contribution of Real Estate Agents, Probationary Estate Agents, Real Estate Negotiators and leaders in real estate for their industrious, diligent effort & commitment to excel in the Real Estate profession. This is a non-commercial award (meaning you don’t pay money to win) and the bidders have to go through a rigorous selection process based on international standards to earn the right to be the winners.
2020 has been a challenging year for the Real Estate fraternity. The property market report released by NAPIC a week ago stated that the volume (number) of transaction or properties sold in Malaysia for 2020 was 295,968 units compared to 328,647 units in 2019. This shows that the volume has contracted by 10.5% in 2020. While this may be so there are many firms who transformed themselves to use online platforms to market the properties and excelled in the process.
It is an honor for MIEA to launch the National Real Estate Awards this year again, during the Covid-19 era. “As the most recognized award in the real estate fraternity, we place emphasis, that, as an association we need to recognize the efforts of all, whether in good times but also in challenging times ” said President Lim Boon Ping.
The National Real Estate Awards is open to all Registered Real Estate Firms, Real Estate Agents, Probationary Estate Agents and Real Estate Negotiators including members and non-members of MIEA. The submission of the bidding will close on 28th May 2021 and the Awards Night is scheduled to be held on 31st July 2021. If the situation allows the event will be a ‘hybrid’ i.e., a physical event with live streaming on Facebook.

Apart from the 23 categories of awards for REAs, Firms & RENs. MIEA will also recognize two individuals for ‘The Lifetime Achievement” and “The Real Estate Agent of The Year” awards.
For the 2020 awards there were 63 bidders for the 23 categories and though the market has been lacklustre in 2020, we envisage that there will be some surprises in the number of submissions for the bidding and the participation from small and large firms said the organizing chairman Ms. Evon Heng.
Being the most prestigious Real Estate Award in Malaysia, recognition awaits all winners of the awards with extensive press coverage, social media marketing, awards presentation night, magazine write ups and profiling on our website. The recognition enables the recipients to position the firm, to help in recruitment, elevate in-house staff morale, provide networking opportunities and gain respect from among the peers and the most important of all, to feel appreciated.
— End Of Press Release —
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