
One Family One Home. Availability, Affordability, Accessibility, Quality and Liveability.

One Family One Home. Availability, Affordability, Accessibility, Quality and Liveability.

At least one property, please.

I always encourage everyone to own at least one property. My view is a very simple one. Unless one is able to earn exceptional incomes, they need to be ready with the money to keep paying rental forever. From this generation to the next one and the next one and well, never-ending rental. Unless of course one day in the future, we can just stay anywhere we want in the whole Malaysia despite working in KL. 😛 Then, maybe can stay in Ipoh and work in KL? Ipoh to KL is just 198km actually.

Travelling 400km to and fro work daily?

FYI, my ex Japanese GM travels over 200km daily to work and another over 200km home after work. he was working in Tokyo city. The reason? He was using the bullet train which travels at 300km per hour. So, that journey of 200km is 40 minutes. Maybe the same or lower than if we were to drive to work every morning.

Since bullet train is not happening so soon, perhaps this One Family One Home looks more promising. The news as below.

Article in edgeprop.my Housing and Local Government Minister, Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican said that the National Affordable Housing Council (MPMMN) today agreed to set a target of ‘One Family One Home’ in its mission to provide affordable housing in the country.

Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) currently has its Home Ownership Programme (HOPE) and it’s focused on availability, affordability, accessibility, quality, and liveability for the homes.

Reezal Merican added that KPKT is currently developing housing mapping, to enable the provision of affordable housing to be adapted to the capabilities of the locality. Do read the full article here: Article in edgeprop.my

Let’s briefly look at the right focus

Availability – Yes, there has to be completed units, else let’s not talk about whatever targets. However, availability MUST be preceded by all the other factors yeah.

Affordability – I just replied a few days on this. “Even IF certain area is considered a great place to buy, it is foolish to overpay for the property. Else, how are we going to sell it in future or even get a rental which could cover the monthly mortgage?”

Accessibility – Aiming at public transportation also meant that the homes are aimed at maximising this versus trying to build a lot of car parks within the project, thereby increasing costs and even reducing the space available for actual units. Stay focused. What do we want to achieve?

Quality – I have written before. More facilities does NOT mean it’s better. What’s important is that the facilities built are the durable ones and good for the community. Do not look too far, look at HDB flats for clues. There is no need to build homes which have same facilities as those which are priced higher and then in the near future, the maintenance becomes an issue.

I hope…

I do hope whatever is planned will become a reality because a household without a home they can call their own means they will be poorer when they rent than the ones who bought and for the first 30 years, both seems to be paying and paying and paying but only one will eventually own the property 30 years later and stop paying. Be savvy to this fact. Else, hope that Malaysia will have bullet train networks like Japan perhaps? Erm…

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Next suggested article: 5 Must-Do steps for property investment.


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