Necessity versus necessary or perhaps even better, priority.

I was at Aeon Ipoh today. Tried many long sleeve shirts and was really tempted to buy one or two more. After all, I would be wearing them as office wear so it’s not going to be left inside the closet. Okay, the main reason was because I managed to shed 7.5kg within past 4.5 months.  I could now wear M size. Waist is now 30/31 inch. I did not buy however, in the end. I suddenly remembered that just before Chinese New Year, I bought four new long sleeve shirts (all slim-fit) and a few months before that, I bought four other long sleeve shirts as well (all easy-care). Okay, I have worn all these 8 new shirts at least three times each. So, it boils down to how many shirts do I really need anyway?! Haha. Actually, just 4 new long sleeve shirts, if bought without discounts would be over RM400. Perhaps better to spend on my family instead this time. Agree with me?
With over RM400, it’s nearly possible to save it and go to Morib Gold Coast resort for 2 nights holiday with my kids. (refer image) Both of them love the sand, sea and waterpark. It’s also near enough to just drop by after work Friday evening. (Around an hour from KL) That made me think. Necessity, necessary or now it’s due to priority? I think for many with families, it is now mostly due to priority. Without new shirts, I would still look fine. With that holiday, the family bonding would be better and my wife gets to take a break from going ‘crazy’ when both kids fight with one another every now and then. I have also recently switched from a nearly RM100 broadband package down to just RM30. I do not need that much data lah. Just needed it to write my blog anyway. 🙂  Was asking my wife if we should even switch our current Astro package to just NJOI and save over 50% from our usual monthly subscription. She said, ‘next year.’
Oh yeah, I belong to the generation where rice plus gravy is already a delight. An egg is a plus! As at today, eating cheaper is still a possibility. Huge pack of fried beehoon (vermicelli) plus an egg is just RM1.50 at a stall nearby my office today. Else, refer to some options here: Eating cheaper is still possible, depends on us actually  I read an article somewhere before that if we really save only on food but without compromising on quality, it’s possible to save a few thousand ringgit per year! Well, based on RM10 / meal x 3 per day x 365 days, it would be around RM11,000. If I eat the fried bee soon and the RM6 fried rice and eat at home for my dinner, I think it would come to about RM18 per day, saving me RM12 per day. RM12 x 365 days = RM4,380 of SAVINGS per year. Sometimes, we really do need to take a step back. Is it necessary or necessity? With a family like me, is it really a priority? Happy saving because it really matters.
written on 23 March 2017
Next suggested article:  Planning and investing for you and your family


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