Yes, I think the MRT is good and many people will benefit

img20170107090343.jpgHave you taken the MRT yet? I know it’s not yet fully connected but it’s definitely a good experience. I recently shared with a few friends about my MRT experience. One ‘awesome’ friend said that it’s only okay now because there are very few passengers. When it’s really opened, it will no longer be smooth and it will most probably be late. I just smiled. Sometimes, the worst enemies of Malaysia are fellow Malaysians. The question is always should there be MRT or should there be no MRT? The only reason why more people would consider further and newer areas would be because of connectivity. Not everyone can keep paying more for properties. They need to buy further. Oh yeah, MRT Line 1 has already received over 1 million passengers within less than one month. Read here. 
img20170107093938.jpgLet me now share my personal experience riding the MRT and yes, I like it. I took it from Sungai Buloh MRT station, stopped at Pusat Bandar Damansara station and took the feeder bus to KL Sentral. From KL Sentral, I walked to the BLT Property Outlook 2017 event. Later, as I needed to run some errands, I then walked to KL Sentral, took the feeder bus which arrived within 10 minutes to the Semantan MRT station. From Semantan MRT station, it brought me back to Sungai Buloh MRT station where I parked my car. Smooth experience all around. Though weather is a little hot. Within the MRT stations itself, it’s acceptable but can definitely be made even more cooler.
img20170107111422.jpgOnce we enter the train, it’s comfortable. Strong air-con with vents throughout (please maintain this!) There are LED screens showing where we are, what’s the next station. Audible announcements on the next upcoming station. (Of course when there are lots of people maybe less audible). The train moves pretty fast but the journey is smooth and it’s quiet. Carrying a conversation was easy too. (Yes, there were just a few of us, haha). There are also a couple of F&B outlets and I saw the tiniest Watson’s too. Signs within the station is just sufficient but can do more. For example some direction indicators on the floor as well. Okay, enough about the good stuffs. What are some of the things I personally think it can improve more?
img_20170107_114758.jpgSignages to the MRT station is lacking lah. I was driving and there were not even directions outside the Sungai Buloh MRT stations that tells me how to turn, where to turn etc. The walkway from the carpark to the MRT is also not properly done. No proper signages within the car park too that tells me where should I go for the MRT station. I had to ask the stall owner for directions. The temperature within the station can still be lowered a bit more. I think on a very hot day, it would be extremely uncomfortable. More marketing and PR please. There are still many people who asked, ‘Huh? MRT started already? Where?’ Signages in KL Sentral on where the MRT feeder buses would stop is also lacking. I know where they stop because I took the feeder bus before. Else, from within KL Sentral itself, there are NO signages whatsoever. Tell more people on where they can take feeder buses. Parking the car to take the MRT is EXPENSIVE! More shops please. I know, the number of passengers are still low but it’s very important for people to have lots to see and perhaps buy / shop. Then passengers can be more occupied.
Fellow Malaysians. Do try it out. Provide constructive feedbacks and when majority of us think of public transport as something for the public and not just those without choices, then it will work better. Actually in some developed small countries, public transportation is the only thing the public can rely on. The car prices are prohibitive or the car park slots cost a few millions. Happy trying it for now.
written on 15 Jan 2017
Next suggested article:  The start of MRT and the rise property prices nearby


  1. john white avatar
    john white

    “The only reason why more people would consider further and newer areas would be because of connectivity. Not everyone can keep paying more for properties. They need to buy further. ” Yes, these people are called “losers”.
    Keep talking up MRT because of your lousy condo surrounded by low class housing in D/Damai. ? Oh dear. You won’t be so happy one day when your car is stolen , parked at Sg Buloh MRT station car park.
    Open your eyes, stop being deluded. Property is always, and will always be, about location. Not geographical location, not transport, but the location ie neighbourhood. Bangsar, good. D/Damai, bad. It will always remain that way. You better sell off that D/Damai condo before it gets worse with age. Or your neighbours in the low cost flats start a riot.

    1. Noted John. In terms of further, it includes much more areas and not just one or two. Definitely not just Damansara Damai. Happy buying your favourite areas. Cheers.

    2. John, may I also get your advice a few other desirable areas in Klang Valley that readers of can consider? I understand that Bangsar is one of those areas. Care to share three more? Cheers.

    3. John, is further out in a new township like Southville city just as bad?

  2. Do not underestimate Uber or Grab cars it’s not only impacting the Taxi drivers. In overall, as long as you’re staying in 15KM within KL City without good transportation around you no longer an issue anymore. I think I agreed that staying faraway with good transportation such as walking distance to MRT no longer consider as bonus or booster.

    1. Hi Asali, it is important to focus on improving services, regardless of company. It would be very bad for any company which keeps receiving more investments and then it uses these new investments to subsidize the service in their hope of killing off all competitors. There are many genuine taxi drivers out there who needs their jobs because that’s the only thing they know how to do. An article to read to understand why the rides may not actually that cheap.

      1. Thanks for sharing. I think we all know that how good is our local taxi’s industry compared to other countries. Why it was hitting very badly when Uber exist especially grab car launched. Maybe worthwhile to read some local news. e.g. As far as i know of many has joined Grab Car by quitting their job in F&B or Petrol station or any job below 3K salary.

        1. Good to hear people are improving their lives by earning more.

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