I am someone who believes that real estate agents and negotiators should be professionals and I think the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) is trying to achieve this goal. Now, MIEA gets a new President and it’s their 3rd Lady President too. She is Ms. Chan Ai Cheng. Do read their full press release below:
Press Release: MIEA Gets A New President
The Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA), the oldest and largest Real Estate Association is welcoming its 3rd Lady President, Ms. Chan Ai Cheng who will helm MIEA for the 2021-2023 term. She will be the first, 2nd generation President, following in her father’s (Past President Charlie Chan) footsteps, who was President from 1995- 1997.

This passing of the baton signifies many things for the real estate profession – its growth, maturity and its continuity to be a voice for the profession. She takes office together with 17 other Board of Directors on July 1, 2021, six of whom are chairman of the state branches.
In her acceptance speech, she described that continuity in leadership is important for MIEA to be relevant and progressive. Her main objective is to help members through this pandemic and hoped that the government will give due recognition to the profession.
The Real Estate industry predominantly engages its salespeople on a contract basis where fees are earned when a successful transaction takes place. With movements stalled, some 23,000 active real estate practitioners are hard pressed to carry out any transaction, as such affecting their income.
Registered under ACT 242 under the Ministry of Finance (MOF), it is hoped that the MOF will recognize their contribution to the economy and to lend its support to this sector. She also has set her sights to help grow the membership and to enhance professionalism and integrity among its members in their service to the public.
The Real Estate profession is relatively young, having been established through an act of parliament in 1986 and as such there is a need to constantly educate and empowered practitioners to live up to their role.
There is also great concern by Registered Agents in getting new recruits into the profession as the lockdown is hampering new salespersons from undergoing the entry classes – Negotiators Certification Course (NCC). At present the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents & Property Managers Malaysia (BOVEAP) only allows classes via physical means.
MIEA is appealing to heed the nation’s call to move learning to a new level and that the NCC classes be allowed to be conducted online. MIEA wants to help in the nation’s call to provide job opportunities to the unemployed by enabling them to join the profession as Real Estate Negotiators.
— end of press release —
Congratulations Ai Cheng. It’s always great to see another dynamic president who wants to do more for the members. Enjoy your role and the journey too.
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