Melaka Gateway and RM43 Billion China investment

Last year, I read some news about Melaka Gateway and I wrote an article about it. Read here:  Melaka Gateway, stay away or buy?  Another piece of Melaka Gateway property news appeared in a few online medias today. Perhaps Melaka Gateway is now becoming more serious. China was said to be investing US$10bil (RM43 billion or S$14 billion) and this may well help Melaka to have a seaport which is on par with more established harbours in the region. Total size of Melaka Gateway is 246ha and this include the reclamation site too. It was launched in Feb 7 2014 and last year, the project is set to become the largest private marina in South-East Asia upon completion by 2025 with 12 precincts, including residential, commercial, cultural, entertainment and lifestyle elements. Speaking of seaports, China would be the best partner to have as it already have many top seaports of the world today.
China has always been Malaysia’s top 3 largest trading partner and I think Malaysia would be a natural choice for China to expand its friendship with Malaysia and ASEAN. In fact all these continuous investments of ‘prosper thy neighbour’ is part of what China calls ‘One Belt, One Road’ vision by China’s President Xi Jinping. Oh yeah, China is also the chief architect for ASIA’s infrastructure bank. Read here: AIIB: Great initiative and poised to ‘grow’ infrastructure ASIA If I am the leader of any nation within ASEAN, it’s quite important to keep this relationship strong and ever deeper rooted. Let me be direct, I would choose China over the US anytime. It’s much more advantageous to use the Chinese Yuan and Malaysian Ringgit for trades between both nations and not any other currency. 🙂
I love Melaka and would drop by at least once every year. Every time I drop by, I could see new developments. Of course, the jams are also increasing in the tourist areas but there is little choice. This is pretty similar to Penang except that Penang has much more manufacturing concerns too. Read my Melaka thoughts here: Melaka: Slow, steady and coffee At this moment, I do not yet own anything in Melaka. We shall see in the near future. Would definitely share if I may be considering something yeah. Happy enjoying Melaka in the near future. Perhaps we can enjoy a cuppa there!
written on 8 Nov 2015
Next suggested article: Property Melaka – Today, Tomorrow and Beyond (For Investment)


  1. Khairul Rashid avatar
    Khairul Rashid

    Just found this link today and found the discussion thread is informative.. i seriously thought about investing in Melaka center, but always in dilemma (between KL and Melaka)

    1. Khairul, it’s important to understand what you really want to do. Choices of course KL wins. But not all places in KL. Melaka is a small state though. Happy deciding.

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