Mall to achieve herd immunity for the safety of its retail workers as well as the visitors. Is this possible?

Imagine visiting a mall where ALL of its workers and staffs are fully vaccinated and they allow only visitors who are fully vaccinated to enter. Would you feel safe to visit such a mall if you are also someone who has been fully vaccinated? Either two doses with any of the current vaccines such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinovac or the coming soon Cansino which is one dose vaccine?

This is just an imagination of the possibilities when we have vaccinated enough people across the country and we are moving on into targeted reopening approach instead of continuous lockdowns like currently. We have one mall brand which is proposing a “herd immunity” concept and hopes to have the opportunity to test it out very soon.

Article in AEON Co (M) Bhd Group MD Shafie Shamsuddin says that AEON will be launching its news online platform called MyAEONToGo on a website and mobile apps next month. He is also optimistic that that revenue for financial year ending Dec 31, 2021 (FY21), would match its FY20 performance.

He emphasised the importance of expediting vaccination among essential and non-essential workers in a mall to drive the economy faster. He said, “Instead of giving vaccines sporadically, we suggest the government cater to the central point where people are always coming to buy essentials.” He proposed to the government to build “herd immunity at the mall” and hopes to have the opportunity to test out the concept soon. Please do read his proposal in full in the article here: Article in

Everyone working in the mall are vaccinated

There is a programme called Public-Private Partnership Covid-19 Industry Immunisation Programme (PIKAS). This is under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). Briefly all the employees of factories which are considered essential could register and they could be vaccinated all at the same time via a dedicated PPV. It aims to vaccinate two million workers in the manufacturing sector by the end of the third quarter of this year (3Q21). A few of my friends working in the manufacturing sector has already been vaccinated under this program.

I do think all these programmes help to move vaccinations even faster because it is a few thousands people within a few days versus everyone of them going individually to the PPV centres. Perhaps this may be a model to follow by our retail sector which has also been hard hit with clossure. If you ask me, I malls are much safer as it offers space versus a small confined area. We just need to manage the number of visitors strictly.

Let’s hope for some further news and hopefully if it happens, it is not just for AEON but many other malls too.

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