interest rate

Latest. OPR increased by Bank Negara Malaysia

Latest. OPR increased by Bank Negara Malaysia

Important Property Investment tip?

Never over-stretch. Else, as soon as the interest rate is raised and our repayment starts going up, we will start to worry. Yes, this has happened. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) I think must be feeling a lot of pressure especially with the inflation numbers and even the many analysts which said it’s time to increase the rate. Earlier, BNM said second half. Now, it’s raised already at the Monetary Policy meeting today, 11th May 2022.

Start of Press Release from Bank Negara Malaysia

At its meeting today, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Bank Negara Malaysia decided to increase the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) by 25 basis points to 2.00 percent. The ceiling and floor rates of the corridor of the OPR are correspondingly increased to 2.25 percent and 1.75 percent, respectively.

The sustained reopening of the global economy and the improvement in labour market conditions continue to support the recovery of economic activity. These have partly cushioned the impact of the military conflict in Ukraine and the strict containment measures in China. Inflationary pressures have increased sharply due to a rise in commodity prices, strained supply chains and strong demand conditions, particularly in the US. Consequently, several central banks are expected to adjust their monetary policy settings at a faster pace to reduce inflationary pressures. The global growth outlook will continue to be affected by the developments surrounding the conflict in Ukraine, COVID-19, global supply chain conditions, commodity price shocks, and financial market volatility.

For the Malaysian economy, latest indicators show that growth is on a firmer footing, driven by strengthening domestic demand amid sustained export growth. The labour market is further lifted by a lower unemployment rate, higher labour participation and better income prospects. The transition to endemicity on 1 April 2022 would strengthen economic activity, in line with further easing of restrictions and the reopening of international borders. Investment activity and prospects have also improved, underpinned by the realisation of multi-year projects and positive growth outlook. However, risks to growth remain, which include a weaker-than-expected global growth, further escalation of geopolitical conflicts, worsening supply chain disruptions, and adverse developments surrounding COVID-19.

Headline inflation is projected to average between 2.2% – 3.2% in 2022. Given the improvement in economic activity amid lingering cost pressures, underlying inflation, as measured by core inflation, is expected to trend higher to average between 2.0% – 3.0% in 2022. Nevertheless, upward pressure on prices would be partly contained by existing price controls and the continued spare capacity in the economy. The inflation outlook continues to be subject to global commodity price developments, arising mainly from the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine and prolonged supply-related disruptions, as well as domestic policy measures on administered prices.

Over the course of the COVID-19 crisis, the OPR was reduced by a cumulative 125 basis points to a historic low of 1.75% to provide support to the economy. The unprecedented conditions that necessitated such actions have since abated. With the domestic growth on a firmer footing, the MPC decided to begin reducing the degree of monetary accommodation. This will be done in a measured and gradual manner, ensuring that monetary policy remains accommodative to support a sustainable economic growth in an environment of price stability.

Bank Negara Malaysia
11 May 2022

— end of press release —

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