Kulim International Airport? KXP. This is the company building it

I remember quite some time back, this was quite hotly debated between Penang and Kedah since this new international airport in Kulim known as KXP is estimated to be less than 1 hour away from the Penang International Airport which is already Malaysia’s 3rd busiest airport. First is Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), then followed by Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA).

Then, everything quietened down. It is not off the table yeah. Far from it in fact. Truth is, this is something which the Kedah state government will be pursuing regardless of who is the Menteri Besar (MB). Kedah MB is Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor. Well, we have one latest news about the builder.

Article in malaymail.com The Kedah government signed a joint venture agreement with ECK Group today to build the Kulim International Airport (KXP). ECK will own 80 per cent of the SPV’s equity while the Kedah state government will own the remaining equity under the Kedah Development Corporation’s subsidiary, KXP AirportCity Holdings Sdn Bhd.

Kedah MB said, “We expect the KXP project will be fully completed by 2026 and after that we will be able to see huge changes to Kedah’s economic landscape.”

He also said, “This airport will be the airline industry’s recovery hub and regional disaster operations centre due to its position in the middle of South-east Asia.” He added that KXP will create between 15,000 and 18,000 job opportunities for locals. Please do read the full article here: Article in malaymail.com

Just need to ensure KXP is also in same team as Penang International Airport

While I do not know how well both the states could work together but the more they could work together, the better it is for both sides because it’s just less than one hour away. Trying to attract the same airlines by offering very special landing fees will just kill both airports in the long run. I hope the management of both airports understand this.

Jobs of up to 18,000?

I assume this total jobs to be created will come true. As for property development and getting more people from outside Kulim to move there, my guess is that this will likely take some time. It’s like having more people staying nearby KLIA because they work in KLIA. It will definitely take some time to build the homes, to change their mindset about moving to a newer area.

All the best yeah. Perhaps Kulim HighTech Park factories would now be connected to the world right at their door step too. This is another selling point to factories who are thinking of locating their plants in Kulim as well the plants which are thinking of relocating from some other countries where the airport there is just too far away from the factory.

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