“The Right Way of Property Ownership”

speakerlistIt’s best not to buy without understanding what we are buying. It’s even worse to read just one article about property investment and decide to buy our first property. Read more, read continuously and even faster would be to listen to property speakers as well as to ask them all the tough questions. If they can answer, you have cleared your doubts. If they couldn’t answer, perhaps your concern is not that important? Well, another property event is coming up. First of all, take a look at some of the good speakers who will be speaking. I have personally learnt from many of them and I think they have much to offer, especially for those thinking of property investment in the near future. (Image) All of them would be speaking in Jom carirumah event in Summit USJ.
Event Itinerary as per image above.
Details as follows:
Title: “The Right Way of Property Ownershipp.”
Date: 11th – 13th November 2016.
Time is from 10am – 10pm
For more details contact the following
Hazmie (m.hazmie.reconsultplt@gmail.com) – 017 – 3050308
Jeffry (aj.reconsultplt@gmail.com ) – 019 – 3975760
Bringing families? Following are the events available for them.


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