Looking for a home / investment? Jom carirumah in Sunway Carnival Mall

Many prominent speakers. Just so happen that I have listened to nearly all of them share and have learnt a lot. All are experts in their own fields. No idea why my good friend, Rozalina invited me to speak. So, the whole line-up now includes a blogger from kopiandproperty.my Haha. My topic? I will share how everyone is able to identify some of the usual property bubble bursting signs. From the signs from the banks to the signs you and I could see everyday.
Seriously, whether we are buying for our own home or investment, it’s extremely important to keep learning. Many have started to tell me that this is the best time to buy. Let me tell you that this is the worst advice ever. The best is always to buy the right property, never about the timing. Bad projects will be bad projects whether during good times or bad times. Listen, learn and ask lots of questions about how, when and even what could be a good buy. As long as we have the sufficient downpayment, that’s the time we can think of buying. See you in this edition of Jom carirumah 2017 in Sunway Carnival mall yeah. My slot is as per the itineary below.
More details as follows: (Itineary)

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