65% of Malaysian working adults said financial stress affecting their job performance.

65% of Malaysian working adults said financial stress affecting their job performance.

Imagine not working and income stops.

When that happens, very soon, we will realise there are bills to be paid and the savings in the bank is being depleted very fast. We try to look for a job and the only ones available may be in sectors not affected by lockdown. Whether we take it up or not, chances are we will be feeling stressful. It’s stress caused by financial issues.

This is why in a survey by Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK), 65% of Malaysian working adults reported that financial stress has affected their job performance. This is a super high number yeah. Let’s take a look at more details as to the reasons why they are financially stressed.

Article in thestar.com.my AKPK chief executive officer Azaddin Ngah Tasir said this about the findings, “A domino effect occurs when a worker’s worried state of mind affects their job performance.”

Result from AKPK’s “Money and Mental Well-Being” study showed that financial stress spiked by 35% since the pandemic began in 2020. The high cost of living is the most common factor of financial stress, followed by low income and low savings.

Azaddin added, “Nearly half, or 41%, of respondents say that financial stress has affected their mental well-being. The most vulnerable group consists of those with the least amount of savings.”

Another interesting fact shared by Azaddin is about men and women’s financial stress. He said, “If men are more stressed by high debt burden, women are more worried about overspending.” He added, “Even more worrying, financial stress caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is closely related to mental health issues.” Please do read the full article here: Article in thestar.com.my

Financial management is for the long term and it must start today

Income is important. If we lost the current one, try to get a new one. Different industry is okay, learn and accept a lower pay first. Temporary work is okay. Delivering food is just another job to survive even if you do not wish to do it for the long term. If we have one, then start thinking of how to have a second income stream. We will never know when we will need it.

Savings is important. The major difference between two persons with the same salary is how much savings they have. If we have been overspending, this is really the time to understand that what we spend today is what we DO NOT have tomorrow. No one knows how long we would be looking for a job if we lost the current one.

Investing and protecting our wealth is important. If salary is continuous and savings are consistent, then we need to move up to the next one which is to invest and to protect our wealth. Do we know how to invest? Do we know that insurance is an investment to protect any potential unforeseen circumstances? Paying a few thousands per year to get a few hundred thousand protection is definitely a good financial sense. Do it yeah.

Hopefully, things will get better sooner than later.

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